The world’s lightest male premature (268 grams)

A Japanese premature that weighed only 268 grams when he came into the world in August, can leave the hospital about 25 weeks later. That was announced by Keio University in Tokyo capital Tuesday. The boy is a new world record holder with his 268 gram. The baby has grown to 3,238 kilograms, enough weight to be able to go home safely.

The boy whose name was not made known came into the world in August with an emergency Cesarean section. Doctors had determined that the weight of the baby in the womb did not increase after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Acute danger of life threatened, according to the university.

The premature baby was so small at birth that it fitted well in two palms, followed months of treatment on the intensive care of neonatology. After steady growth, he was able to get breastfeeding. The child was picked up by his parents last Wednesday. The survival rate of babies weighing less than a kilogram is about 90% in Japan. Especially male premature that weigh less than 300 grams have drastically less chance of survival.

With its 268 grams, the Japanese do ‘better’ than a boy who came into a German hospital in 2009. This weighed 274 grams at birth. The smallest girl ever born in the world is also a German. At her birth in 2015, she weighed 252 grams.

The world's lightest male premature (268 grams)
The world's lightest male premature (268 grams)
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