Things you do because of hidden depression

Depression is not always noticeable, although it has several distinctive features. This is not just a short-term sadness, which is easy to eliminate by thinking about joyful moments or going for a short walk. This is a serious condition that requires special attention and proper treatment. But how do you know that it’s time to check your health if you don’t notice any obvious signs of depression? Here are a few things you can do because of her.
5 things you do because of hidden depression
1. You are constantly angry

Depression is not only an all-encompassing sadness and apathy that prevents you from enjoying life and feeling comfortable in your own body. It is often accompanied by irritation and anger at the whole world. That’s why sometimes people with this disease are mistaken for having a bad character rather than for those who need support.
So, suppose you notice that you’re increasingly snapping at your loved ones for no reason, getting angry at the little things that went wrong, or feeling annoyed when talking to people. In that case, you should think about going to a therapist especially if you’ve never noticed a similar habit before.
Depression can also manifest itself in anger at oneself. You may be annoyed by your lack of motivation, inability to muster your willpower and get on with things. You can also get angry because you let yourself vent anger at your loved ones, and it becomes a vicious circle of negative feelings that you can’t get out of.
2. You lose interest in everything and lock yourself in
Perhaps you used to go to your job with a smile, as it brought income and pleasure. He was also genuinely happy when he found time for hobbies or met up with friends he hadn’t seen for a long time. With depression, the world gradually loses its colors until it finally fades. You lose interest in everything, don’t know what could make your heart flutter, and look forward to something pleasant. Gifts and surprises, conversations with loved ones, shopping, delicious food, relaxation — all this seems pointless or familiar to the point of nausea.
3. You’re shutting yourself off from other people

We often attribute our reluctance to communicate with someone to stress, fatigue, and schedule congestion. But such a change in social habits can be a sign of latent depression, which is often overlooked. Suppose you notice how you start canceling plans related to communication, finding a million excuses to refuse to attend events, and locking yourself in a room just to see your loved ones living with you as little as possible.
In that case, this is a wake-up call. Because of depression, you may be too depressed to have long conversations or meet people in person. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M .,For the full article. You just don’t have the strength, so you must force your words out of yourself to keep up the conversation. You may also notice that you are simply annoyed by maintaining a dialogue with other people, and they seem empty, stupid, and uninteresting, even if you didn’t think so before.
Moreover, you can start shutting yourself off even from strangers. For example, try to use self-service ticket offices to avoid contacting sellers or take a taxi rather than stand in a crowded bus. And this continues from day to day, causing significant inconvenience.
4. It is hard for you to sleep

Depression makes sleep unbearable. You can experience firsthand what it’s like to lie for several hours, staring at the ceiling, and not close your eyes until the morning, or, conversely, fall into a long sleep, which seems even more exhausting than the lack of rest. Depression often causes nightmares, which also deprive you of full recovery and bring negative emotions.
Waking up in a fit of fear in the middle of the night or opening my eyes in the morning, trying to forget what I just saw, as in reality, it is difficult to force myself to move or look for something positive in the day. Whatever sleep problems you may experience due to latent depression significantly worsen your life.
You can stay up late on the Internet, just to delay the moment when you have to go to bed, or cancel plans because you feel too sluggish during the day. Sleep problems deprive you of concentration and energy and reduce mental and physical activity, which prevents you from working and doing your usual things.
5. You’re suddenly gaining or losing weight

Our body has an inextricable link between emotions and physical condition. It happens that because of latent depression, people gain weight and don’t even understand why this is happening. They do not notice how they begin to look for an outlet in their favorite and often not very healthy dishes, literally “seizing” unpleasant feelings or inexplicable moral discomfort. Also, weight gain can occur due to the consequences of loss of strength and poor sleep – refusal of physical activity.
It’s very difficult to force yourself to move if you don’t have the energy or motivation to do so. There is also a downside to the situation: many people lose weight rather than gain weight due to depression. They lose their appetite, which is why they skip meals without getting enough calories for the day.