Things you forget about because of mental problems

Stress, problems, shocks — all this negatively affects your mental health, as well as the behaviors that you adhere to. Because of emotional worries, you can forget the vital things you need to do for your well-being. But if you remember them in time, you can change the situation. So, here are a few things you forget to do because of mental problems.
8 things you forget about because of mental problems
1. Take care of yourself

Because of mental problems, you can forget about the basic things that help you take care of yourself. You skip the shower, refuse to brush your teeth in the morning, stop exercising, or worry about your appearance. This is not just a manifestation of laziness or ordinary forgetfulness — the lack of self-care against the background of mental problems is like a lingering unpleasant feeling that any business is a heavy burden and requires too much effort.
2. To express positive emotions
When your mental health is at its best, you don’t even think about how often you express positive emotions. But if your mental state worsens, you forget to do it. You no longer look like a carefree and contented person, and you also have difficulty remembering the last time you smiled and laughed. Your voice becomes monotonous, and it sounds like you just got out of bed and haven’t fully woken up yet. Perhaps you feel the appropriate way — tired, depressed, inhibited.
3. Pay attention to the things that are important to you

With depression and other mental problems, you lose interest in things that used to bring you joy, and you stop paying attention to them. If you used to look forward to the release of a new episode of your favorite show with pleasant anticipation, now you don’t care what it turns out to be and when it will be published. You can forget about hobbies, talking to people, cleaning, and playing video games — about things that give you joy. They stop bringing as much pleasure as they usually do, so you no longer see the point in wasting your time on them.
4. Keep in touch with the people you love

Experiencing mental problems, many people involuntarily lock themselves in and shut themselves off from those who are dear to them. You can forget that you promised to call a friend, meet your parents, or date a girl. You will stop responding to comments and messages on social media and spend more and more time alone.
Perhaps you just lack the strength for social interaction, and this may be a clear sign that it’s time to take care of your mental health, especially if you tend to be a “social bird” in life. So, if communication suddenly seems to be a continuous torment, boredom, and difficulty, even when communicating with the most beloved and important people, this is a wake-up call.
5. Silly little things
You may have forgotten where you left your phone, even though you just held it in your hands, or you are stubbornly searching all over the room for the glasses on your head. You forget a million stupid everyday little things you usually don’t worry about. This may indicate something is wrong with your psyche, so you should not write off your behavior solely on memory problems or absent-mindedness.
6. Eating healthy food

Skipping meals, sudden adherence to unhealthy food, or overeating can be clear signs that something is wrong with your mental state, especially if you are used to sticking to proper nutrition and eating according to a schedule. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M .For the full article. Other signs that it’s time to take care of your mental health include a persistent reluctance to cook or even warm up food, so in the end, there is a rejection of it or a preference for harmful but “fast” snacks. You do not have the energy and moral strength to do this, so your nutrition principles leave much to be desired.
7. Promises
Promises are another thing that we can forget about when our mental state deteriorates, and it can be a word given to another person as well as to ourselves. In moments of mental deterioration, we experience significant mental and emotional overload, so we involuntarily try to protect ourselves from any stressful or unpleasant factors. Keeping promises may just be one of them. That’s why you’re pulling with the help of someone, although you would have dealt with it without much trouble before, or you’re breaking the rules you set for yourself.
8. Goals and aspirations

When your mental state leaves much to be desired, you may feel that life is meaningless, and the days drag on in a monotonous gray string. In this state, goals and aspirations fade into the background. From an ambitious person, you become someone who goes with the flow and does not strive for almost anything. Loss of motivation, a negative outlook on life, and a lack of desires and dreams are clear signs that it’s time to take care of yourself and your mental health.