This is how you end a relationship as a mature person

Whether you’re constantly fighting and can’t be together anymore, or if you break up as friends, breaking up is never fun. Still, it’s best to approach this as the mature person you are.

We (almost) all know how awful it is to be dumped. That is why it is so respectful to treat a break-up with policy. How do you do that? We list five tips.

Be clear

It is of no use to anyone if you run around the case. Be honest about the reason you’re breaking up without being abusive.

You must know why you care. It can help to write down for yourself what no longer attracts you in the other person.

Be sure of your decision

If you keep focusing on the moment you were happy, you will only make it harder for yourself. It is very natural to remember the beautiful moments suddenly only, but unfortunately not healthy.

So you start living in a kind

of delusion in which it seems as if everything used to be better. This is not fair to yourself nor your ex. Try to get rid of that “scent and moonshine” attitude as soon as possible to get on with your life.

Be kind but strict

As mentioned above, there’s no reason to get unkind during a break-up. Ultimately, it is best to be the bigger person and to deal with the situation calmly. Indicate your limits. This way, the other person immediately knows where he or she stands.

Know what your ex is worth to you

It all depends on your relationship how you handle the break-up. Was it a serious relationship where you have to sit down for a while, or was it more of a fling, which you can show the door again in five minutes? This is up to you to decide for yourself, but try to approach it wisely anyway.

Think about the future

The chances are that you, too, will have trouble with the break-up. Try to think about the future in those moments: would you be happy with this person if you hadn’t broken up? Chances are, the answer to this question is “no.” You didn’t make it in vain. This may not make it easier, but it does put you back on the ground with both feet.

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