Trouble falling asleep? These gadgets to help you sleep

You won’t be able to fall asleep in the blink of an eye just because the evenings are becoming longer. Is it difficult for you to fall asleep, or is getting out of bed in the morning a chore? Afrinik set out to identify some gadgets that might help alleviate the discomfort.

Several factors influence how well you sleep at night. You could count sheep indefinitely in the hopes that it will work, but thankfully, there are many more contemporary tools available to assist you. Before we get into that, let’s go over some entirely free recommendations for a better night’s sleep.

Avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed, don’t overeat, and make sure you receive enough exercise during the day, for example. Take fewer naps during the day, avoid staring at a device late at night, and keep your room gloomy, if not entirely black. Isn’t it true that all of this is beneficial? Then these devices could be able to help you sleep better.

Gadgets to help you sleep

Samsung Galaxy Watch 4

Samsung Galaxy Watch 4
Samsung Galaxy Watch 4

To measure is to know, and that also applies to your sleep. Many smartwatches and activity trackers provide insight into your sleeping pattern. The Galaxy Watch 4, for example. It gives you a sleep score based on how long you sleep, how much you move, and your heart rate.

You gain insight into the different phases of your sleep, and you can check snoring patterns and the oxygen level of your blood, among other things. Based on these insights, Samsung also provides advice on how to get a better night’s sleep.

Bose Sleepbuds II

Bose Sleepbuds II
Bose Sleepbuds II

Perhaps you are bothered by the noise in your bedroom or the lack of it. In that case, special wireless earphones such as the Bose Sleepbuds II offer a solution. They not only block ambient noise but can also play soothing sounds.

In the accompanying app, you will find a full library of sounds. It has been scientifically researched that they help you sleep better. The earbuds stay put while you move and have a battery that lasts a full night.

Philips Wake Up Light

Philips Wake Up Light
Philips Wake Up Light

In addition to sound, light also plays a role. To fall asleep, but also to get up with. The Wake-up Lights from Philips have been a classic for years for waking people up in a gradual way. With this gadget, you wake up with light that feels like a sunrise while natural sounds echo in the background. Getting up is never nice, but this comes close!

Withings Aura Smart Sleep System

Withings Aura Smart Sleep System
Withings Aura Smart Sleep System

Some devices manage to combine everything. The Smart Sleep System from the French Withings, for example. This works via a sleep sensor that you place under your mattress to register your activity. So you don’t have to wear a band to gain insight into your sleeping pattern, the mattress, and the associated application on your smartphone do the work. The app uses the insights gained to tailor the light and sound of the Withings lamp to when you go to sleep and doze off.

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