Trump called Madonna “one of the ugliest and thickest sluts” after she turned down date with him

“One of the worst, ugliest and thickest sluts I’ve ever met,” was how Donald Trump described Madonna after the singer refused to date him. That reveals Mary Trump, the President’s niece, in her new book.

In the book Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, Mary Trump makes a series of revelations about her cousin and US President Donald Trump.

In it, she also talks about the poor relations between Trump and Madonna, who have not been able to get through one door since 1989. At the time, the singer attended a boxing match at the President’s hotel, blaming him for the presence of paparazzi, who recorded her on the sensitive record.

But Trump would have tried to capture Madge’s heart. The ‘Like a Virgin’ singer was clearly not interested and turned down his advances. Donald then changed his tone, and suddenly, Madonna became “one of the worst, ugliest and thickest sluts I’ve ever met.” He is also said to have been bothered by the insane way in which Madonna chewed gum.

Earlier this year, the singer called him a ‘Nazi and sociopath’. In 2017, she also wrote that “she thought about blowing up the White House, but that it wouldn’t do anything.”

The book should be out on July 14, but the Trump family is doing everything it can to stop it. The White House has already commented that, even though they could not see it yet, the claims in the book are false.

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