Trump fears his lawyers are not living up to his reputation

US President Donald Trump, who will leave the White House in two months and will have to pass the torch to Joe Biden willfully, is frustrated with his team of lawyers contesting the election results. Trump has expressed displeasure in private circles, NBC News reports on the authority of multiple sources aware of the matter. Publicly, however, the outgoing president continues to argue that the team is doing a strong job.

The president complained to some confidants and allies about his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and the now-dismissed attorney Sidney Powell, after they gave a completely shattered press conference at the Republican National Committee’s headquarters last week.

Giuliani and Powell then accused the Democrats of a large-scale conspiracy with “Venezuela, Cuba and maybe China” to “steal” votes from Trump, claiming that voting machines had been tampered with all over the country.

It also didn’t help that viewers were mainly distracted by the streaks of hair dye that ran down Giuliani’s sweaty face.

The latter had also not escaped Trump, a source told NBC News. The president fears his team is made up of “lawyers who make him look bad,” said another.

When asked why Trump didn’t dismiss Giuliani and his associates, the source replied, “Who knows.” Nevertheless, Trump has not hesitated to flicker out people who rub his hair against him in recent years. These included a split with two White House Chiefs of Staff, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, National Security Advisers HR McMaster and John Bolton, and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis. Several of them found out via Twitter that they were “fired”.

Trump fears his “idiotic” lawyers are not living up to his reputation
Rudy Giuliani and the infamous hair dye incident at his press conference last week

Sidney Powell was kicked out over the weekend after getting Trump even more annoyed with her bizarre conspiracy theory

that the Republican Governor of Georgia and his Secretary of State had given Trump’s votes to Biden. “Sidney Powell is an independent lawyer. She is not a member of Trump’s legal team. Nor is she a personal attorney for the president,” said a press release signed by Rudy Giuliani and legal counsel Jenna Ellis.


Trump’s attorneys struggling to formulate strong legal arguments became painfully clear on Saturday evening when Jenna Ellis, lawyer, and constitution specialist, wrote in a tweet that a Republican communications adviser was suffering from “MicroPenis Syndrome” (sic). The man had scoffed at the failing lawsuits led by Giuliani. Ellis’ tweet has since been deleted.


Multiple allies of the president have voiced frustration in the White House at the lawyers’ chaotic and seemingly improvised strategy, various sources told NBC News. Giuliani was “automatically” put in charge of the legal team because he is willing to say and do things that other lawyers would refuse, it sounds.

In addition, Trump’s first choice – David Bossie – was not available because he was struck down by the coronavirus earlier this month. The fact that Giuliani went on to say on Fox News last night that the fraud claims are “a bit exaggerated” does not help their case either.

When it became known that Giuliani would be taking the reins, it went wrong with several Trump allies, fearing he would make fun of their concerns about the election results. And that fear became a reality. Chris Christie, former New Jersey governor, and longtime Trump ally called the president’s legal maneuver on Sunday a “national disgrace”.

NBC News
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