Trump receives Buhari

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari will be the first leader in Sub-Saharan Africa to be received by US President Donald Trump.

Buhari is expected in Washington for a series of meetings with his counterpart.

Their discussions will focus on economic and security topics.

But many will also follow the talks after the dispute between the two men over Mr Trump’s alleged use of the word “shit” to describe African nations.

Mr. Trump denied being racist after this rather brutal remark was reported by the media.

He also denied making this comment.

The two leaders may be inclined to put the scandal behind them to focus on more pressing issues, writes Mayeni Jones, BBC correspondent in Nigeria.

At home, President Buhari faces multiple security challenges, including the nine-year insurgency of Boko Haram’s jihadists in the north-east and growing insecurity in central Nigeria.

The fight against terrorism is therefore a priority for both administrations, adds our correspondent.

The White House sold 12 combat aircraft to Nigeria for a total value of $ 496 million to help the country fight Boko Haram.

In Washington, Trump and Buhari will also discuss ways to deepen economic cooperation between their two countries.

Buhari, who is seeking re-election in 2019, should also stress that he is committed to democracy despite rampant corruption and poor governance in this West African country.

After talks with his US counterpart, the Nigerian leader is expected to meet companies specializing in agriculture.

Nigerian government officials will also discuss a number of projects with leaders of major transport companies in the United States.

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