Two-year-old boy kills mom during video meeting in US

In the United States, a two-year-old shot and murdered his mother as she was engaging in an online video conference. The drama took place in Florida on August 11th. On Tuesday, the child’s father was detained for not keeping his firearm out of reach of his son.

The 22-year-old guy had hidden his loaded handgun in a backpack from the children’s television show Paw Patrol. With a single gunshot to the head, the kid discovered the firearm and murdered his 21-year-old mother.

Dramas like this are more frequent in the United States. A two-year-old boy in Texas, for example, died at the end of September after discovering a loaded firearm in a bag.

Every year, hundreds of youngsters in the United States get their hands on loaded guns and discharge them accidentally, according to a new study by Everytown For Gun Safety, an organization that advocates for a safer framework for firearms in the United States.

Since 2015, 879 individuals have been murdered in the United States by “unintentional” bullets fired by juveniles. There are already 114 as of January 1st of this year.

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