US creates a secret 60,000-strong army for Pentagon’s special missions

Over the past decade, American authorities have created a secret army of many thousands. It performs special tasks of the Pentagon at home and abroad. This is stated in the Newsweek investigation, which lasted two years.

The number of this army is about 60,000 people. About 130 private organizations and dozens of different secret government associations are mainly involved, the journalists note.

More than half of the personnel are Special Operations Forces agents. They work in West Africa, Pakistan, Iran, and North Korea, where they track terrorists and perform other important tasks for the Pentagon.

It is alleged that members of the secret army are also military intelligence specialists working undercover.

Journalists found that about $900 million is spent annually to maintain mercenaries. Money is spent not only on salaries but also on fake documents, payment of taxes, as well as the creation of special tracking and cloaking devices.

There are also many cybersecurity and data collection specialists working for the Pentagon. Newsweek notes that this unit ensures the concealment of data and deals with the security of the entire secret network.

Earlier it became known that the U.S. military will hold exercises to counter China and Russia. They will take place online and be performed in a “secret war game”.

The maneuvers will be commanded by the chairman of the Committee of Chiefs of Staff (CCS) of the US Armed Forces, Mark Milley, and the report he will present personally to the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin.

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