What if all I want is a mediocre life? 6 reasons why it’s okay

Modern science still does not have a term that would describe the concept of “normality” and “norm.” But most often, these words mean something ordinary, no different from the rest.

Therefore, many people would instead be called freaks than normal. Together we figure out whether it is so bad to be an ordinary person and give some comforting reasons for those who consider themselves to be such a person.

6 reasons why it’s okay to be mediocre

1. The average person is better suited to the environment

To live and work comfortably, a modern person needs to be able to adapt to the ongoing changes without experiencing strong discomfort. These are the kind of employees that corporate executives want to see in their companies. This is because a brilliant mathematician, despite his uniqueness, most likely will not be happy to carry out team projects and interact with other people. And an ordinary employee showing average results can simultaneously perform several tasks, interacting with colleagues.

Another obvious plus of normality is that the average person always knows how to behave in different situations. So, in a difficult situation, an ordinary person will not unexpectedly show himself but will follow the rules inscribed in the framework of normality. It may sound boring, but this skill most often comes in handy for living in society.

2. The urge to excel can lead to mental and emotional problems

Practice shows that striving to be the best always and everywhere increases anxiety and leads to the development of depression. The so-called “perfect student’s syndrome” is characteristic of people who, from childhood, were brought up in severity and instilled in the need to study only for an A. Over the years, on a subconscious level, feeling constant pressure, such people turn into neurotics and shift the focus of attention from pleasure to the need to constantly chase after success.

The “perfect student” syndrome is not peculiar to an ordinary person. He does not strive to achieve the highest results and therefore experiences less anxiety and stress. In addition, the “normal” person does not perceive other people’s success as a personal failure.

3. The average person doesn’t pretend to impress

Unlike an adventurous and leadership colleague, the “average” person is unwilling to sacrifice their own time and interests to impress others. He does not depend on the people’s opinions and perceives each defeat as confirming his incompetence. An ordinary person is quite capable of independently assessing the quality of his work without relying on unfounded comments from others.

4. The average person acts according to their own beliefs and values

Many people spend their entire lives worrying about the expectations others have for them. This can lead to burnout and other mental health problems. However, the average person in most cases is quite understandable: he lives his life for himself. This motivates him to act according to his beliefs and rules in any situation.

Here are some important rules for a “normal” person that has a positive effect on his life:

The “ordinary” person does not compare himself to more successful people. He clearly understands the difference between himself and another individual, while a person with excellent student syndrome is always worried about how much other people’s luck exceeds his own.

5. An “ordinary” person is less likely to experience sudden drops in activity and burnout

Emotional instability, characterized by a sharp change in the joyful state of despair and irritability, occurs in people for various reasons. Mood swings and nervous breakdowns often occur against the background of experienced stress, hormonal imbalance, and a constant feeling of dissatisfaction.

The heightened emotionality inherent in a hyperactive person is rarely an ordinary quality. This is because an “ordinary” person does not set himself too difficult or completely unsolvable tasks that provoke stress. Of course, he also faces sudden shocks: the death of a loved one, illness, relationship problems. However, ordinary people are much more likely to respond to what is happening adequately and do not experience excessive irritation, anger, or apathy.

6. Not afraid to designate your comfort zone

A modern person has to interact with different people from day to day. That is why the role of the comfort zone is increasing. We all need a space to be alone with ourselves and feel comfortable and calm. Psychologists say that it is much more difficult for people with leadership qualities to build personal boundaries. They feel the need always to be ready to answer questions and be in the resource.

On the other hand, the average person is not afraid to admit the need to be alone with himself. He understands and does not deny the importance of his comfort and does not put other people’s priorities above his calmness. This speaks about a high level of self-confidence, the type of character, and how an ordinary person builds communication with society.

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