What kind of paintings are considered diabolical and why are collectors afraid of them?

It is no secret that a picture can have a certain energy that significantly affects a person. However, some paintings are notorious, and why are collectors afraid of them?

There may be various reasons for this. For example, the tragic deaths of those who were depicted on the canvas. In this case, the pictures can negatively affect people. This is manifested by the loss of vitality, health, reason, or simply consciousness, as well as the occurrence of fires, and the like. We are talking about such works of art as “The Crying Boy”, “La Gioconda”, “The Love Letters” and “The Horsewoman”.

Can pictures harm a person, and how?

While working on the canvas, the artist puts his emotions, thoughts into it and, of course, endows the picture with a certain energy field. In addition, the color scheme of the canvas is very important. Joyful moments and pleasant colors convey positive energy to a person. But suffering, grief, dark colors will negatively affect the biofield. Many stories of paintings once painted by artists fell into completely inexplicable mystical stories. There is even an assumption that the creators painted some canvases under the influence of dark forces.

How else can one explain the negative events that happened to them in the future? Certain paintings brought their owners a number of problems. It could be sudden fires, illnesses, deaths, insanity, and more. The same was true for the artists who painted them. Interestingly, troubles concern only people, but the canvases themselves remain safe and sound. Perhaps these are just coincidences. It is possible that the victims of the paintings were people with an unstable psycho-emotional state. However, no one excludes the intervention of dark forces.

“The Crying Boy” by Giovanni Bragolina

“The Crying Boy” by Giovanni Bragolina
“The Crying Boy” by Giovanni Bragolina.

It is known that the fatal painting “The Crying Boy” was painted in the 50s by the Italian artist Bruno Amadio. True, he worked under the creative pseudonym Giovanni Bragolina. This creator was repeatedly called the “painter of the devil”. The thing is that he created about 20 children’s portraits. The artist depicted children with eyes full of tears and despair, pain, and resentment. Such works enjoyed unprecedented popularity, especially among people with below-average income.

The history of the creation of the painting “The Crying Boy” is very unusual. According to the most common version, the author’s son is on the canvas. To make the child cry for real, the artist constantly frightened him with fire, which the boy was terribly afraid of. As a result, the author’s son was so frightened and upset that he shouted out in his heart: “You burn in the fire.” It was rumored that a few years later, the baby died of pneumonia, and the creator of the picture burned down in a fire in his own house. Since then, this picture has been cursed and all its copies too. This work gained great popularity, and many wanted to have a reproduction.

The peak of mass unrest in England fell in the 80s. In many houses where reproductions of the painting hung, fires broke out. No one would have thought that this curse of the painting “The Crying Boy” began to act, if not for one thing. The reproductions were not damaged during the fire. Even if you deliberately try to set it on fire, these paintings do not burn. Mysticism, that’s all..

“La Gioconda” by Leonardo da Vinci

“La Gioconda” by Leonardo da Vinci
“La Gioconda” by Leonardo da Vinci. ©paranormal-news

The Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci is considered an almost universal person. After all, he was a famous artist and an inventor, writer, and scientist. One of his most famous paintings, “Gioconda”, still causes a lot of controversies and is shrouded in mystical stories. It is known that the canvas depicts a young girl Lisa Gherardini (Mona Lisa), who died at the age of 28 from some unknown disease.

Most of the questions are caused by the mysterious smile of a girl who looks a little unnatural. On this occasion, research has been conducted repeatedly. There is even a hypothesis that probably the Mona Lisa is not smiling. It’s just that some facial muscle contractions cause her expression.

Although here, the question is moot. Experts say that such an effect of the mysterious smile of the Mona Lisa can be given by the sfumato technique (color shades smoothly flow into each other), which Leonardo da Vinci used in his work.

The author of the picture did not just paint it. He corrected and finalized it for another four years until his death. Most experts note the negative impact of the canvas on people. The fact is that if you look at the portrait of a girl for a long time, then there is a high probability of losing consciousness. To date, hundreds of such cases are known. Employees of the Louvre, where the Gioconda hangs, said that the picture fades and even darkens if it is not admired and contemplated for a long time. And with visitors, its colors come to life again.

Interestingly, Leonardo da Vinci himself was the first to suffer from the painting. He was simply obsessed with this canvas, he constantly worked with it and carried it. One got the impression that the picture draws the vitality of the artist. His health and appearance deteriorated significantly. Even after finishing work on the painting, da Vinci quickly grew old and died soon after.

It is interesting that not only the original has such an impact on people, but also its numerous reproductions. It has been noticed that if it hangs in the house, then those living there feel a breakdown and depression, they get sick more often, quarrel, and get divorced. But the children do not like this picture. Apparently, they feel her subtle negative energy.

“Love Letters” by Richard King

“Love Letters” by Richard King
“Love Letters” by Richard King ©Pinterest/@Kingpainting

The author of the painting “Love Letters” is an Irish artist and illustrator, Richard Joseph King. In addition, he participated in the creation of stained glass windows in some temples and churches. For example, the temple of St. Jude and a number of others. The portrait of a little girl by Richard King is considered cursed and is really feared.

The fact is that the canvas depicted a girl who, like two drops of water, looks like the daughter of a US senator. Her name was Samantha Houston, and she was only 4 years old when she tragically died. She was playing on the stairs and inadvertently stumbled. Her fall was considered fatal.

It turned out that King painted this portrait long before the birth of the baby and her tragic death. How he knew this remains a mystery. The painting hung at The Driskill Hotel in Austin, Texas. They say that after this tragedy, something mystical began to happen to the picture. The girl’s face just shines, and she looks like she’s alive.

This hotel is still operating and accepting guests. Many of them note that it seems to them that the girl’s expression is changing, one has only to look away and return to viewing the canvas again. Perhaps the spirit of the deceased baby moved into the picture. Often, viewers of the picture note the appearance of nausea and even vomiting after viewing it. And families with children do not want to stay here at all.

“The Rider” or “Horsewoman” by Karl Bryullov

“The Rider” or “Horsewoman” by Karl Bryullov
“The Rider” or “Horsewoman” by Karl Bryullov

It is known that the painting “The Rider/Horsewoman” was painted by the Russian artist Karl Bryullov. This work of art has gained notoriety and still causes fear among people. It was all the fault of the tragic story of the main character of the picture, who soon died. The young girl’s name was Dzhovanina, and she was the niece of the Italian composer Pacini.

However, her uncle died soon after, and the girl was left with her younger sister Amalicia. Then they are brought up by Countess Yulia Samoilova, who lives in Russia. The girls were brought up in love. They received an excellent education and upbringing. And the elder Dzhovanina could have been an enviable bride if not for the tragedy.

The fact is that the girl died while walking. She couldn’t stay in the saddle and fell to the ground, falling under the hooves of another rushing steed. The portrait was immediately called cursed, and they were wary of it. Collectors did not want to buy it and keep it in the house for a long time, especially if they had daughters. Apparently, they were afraid that their children would not repeat the fate of young Dzhovanina.

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