Why am I not successful in my career? 8 types of people destined not to succeed in their careers

Not everyone succeeds in achieving the desired career success, and the low level of knowledge and skills is not always to blame. There are several types of people who are less likely to get promoted due to their temperament and other personality traits.
Cowardly people
Cowardice and success are mutually exclusive concepts. Fear is an extremely powerful anti-motivator. You’re scared of making mistakes, making the wrong impression, failing interviews, and failing to cope with your new responsibilities after your promotion. All this makes you sit back because if you do nothing, the illusion is created to avoid danger. That is to say; you do not take risks and do not lean out.
To grow, you need to take risks. If you do not decide to take a vacant position in the company of your dreams, someone else will do it for you. You miss the opportunity without even trying.
By the way, sometimes cowardice goes to extremes: for example, a cowardly person will be inclined to blame a colleague for his mistake, shifting the burden of responsibility onto someone else. Agree; it is unlikely that such an employee can be entrusted with a higher position.
Too emotional people
You are familiar with the type of people who get upset about any reason – even the smallest mistake in a work project is a real disaster for them. Their already low self-esteem is rapidly falling. They begin to worry about how their boss will react to a shortcoming. In the future, they may even abandon some projects in favor of “more qualified” employees.
Growth, whether personal or career, is necessarily a matter of trial and error. If a person is too worried, afraid to take up work or do something wrong, reacts too emotionally to edits, it is highly likely that he will not be able to move far up the career ladder.
Arrogant people
An arrogant worker perceives any task as a challenge. Outwardly, such people give the impression of being confident in themselves and their strengths, but often this hides the opposite. An arrogant person attracts problems to himself, copes with work worse, rarely asks for anyone’s help, even in those cases when he does not know what to do.
People who lack social skills
It does not matter who you are – a journalist, programmer, designer, or sales manager, without developed social skills, you will hardly be able to climb the career ladder. Research shows that the number of tasks (in various specialties) requiring primarily social skills has increased by 24%. That is, even being a qualified specialist, a professional in his field, without the ability to find a common language with the people around you, you will have a hard time.
Moreover, too strong a desire for communication can also be harmful – we have all met such colleagues who do not stop chatting with us, even when we are busy solving urgent work tasks, or involve us in the details of their personal lives.
Gullible people
Gullible people pay for their responsiveness and gullibility. Often they find themselves in situations that ordinary people would try to avoid: they stay too long at work, take on more responsibilities than necessary, are ready to respond to any request for help, even if everyone around them has long understood that this is a common “shifting problems onto someone. “
Gullible people are ready to do everything for others, and therefore they do not have the strength and time for themselves. They help their acquaintances, friends, colleagues, companies grow and develop while sitting in the same position for years, only dreaming of a promotion.
Being a person who is easily ready to give up his opinions and ambitions to not get out of the crowd is a losing position. The group’s opinion shouldn’t be more important than your own. Yes, conformism is safe and convenient because you do not take the resistance path and go with the flow. But think – will this current throw you there? It is impossible to achieve meaningful results without adhering to a clear position.
It doesn’t matter whether such people are to blame for something or not – they will apologize while doing it “for themselves and others.”
They are afraid of making mistakes, and they believe that an apology will work like insurance. Instead, apologies do not work for them, but rather against them – their ideas are rarely accepted, they come across as insecure people who apologize for their opinions to others.
A victim is a person who wants to empathize, but over time you realize that everything is constantly bad with him. Such people in any way try to avoid responsibility and turn any, even a very little obstacle into an impossible one. For a victim of hardship, it’s not at all an opportunity to grow up and learn something new – it’s a great excuse to do nothing.