Why did Pierce Brosnan defend his wife?

Pierce Brosnan is called the most handsome James Bond of all time, he has repeatedly topped the ratings of the most attractive men on the planet, but his main advantage is, of course, his talent, which allows him to transform into a variety of images.
However, whoever Pierce Brosnan plays, a goodie or a villain, with each role, he has more and more fans, and for 27 years, he has been devoted to the only woman, his wife, Keely Shaye Smith. They can be called an ideal couple without exaggeration, and only Pierce Brosnan has to protect her constantly.
Lonely childhood

The recognized handsome man, who suffered from fair sex ever since he grew up, was never proud of his appearance. For him, completely different qualities seemed much more valuable. The father left the family when the son was barely a year old, and the mother was forced to work hard, providing a decent existence for herself and the child. They lived in Ireland, but when Pierce was four, his mother moved to London, where she was able to get a job as a nurse.
She entrusted the care of her son to her parents, Philip and Kathleen Smith, who lived in the Irish city of Navan. After their death, he lived first with his aunt, then with his uncle, and after that, he was completely sent to a boarding school.
According to Pierce Brosnan, his childhood was quite lonely, but he never blamed his mother, who did everything to ensure that she and her son’s life was the best. She desperately missed the boy but came to him a couple of times a year. Pierce was brought up in a Catholic family and was even an altar boy in the local church.
At the age of 11, he finally left Ireland to reunite with his mother and her new husband, William Carmichael, in Scotland, and later they all moved to London together. Pierce felt like an outsider in the capital. At Elliott School in Putney, where he studied, no one called him by name, once and for all assigned the nickname “Irish”.
After leaving school, Pierce Brosnan became an artist and even studied at St. Martin’s School of Art. And one day, he accidentally got to a rehearsal at the Ovalhouse Theater and suddenly wanted to try himself as an actor. He entered the London Center for Dramatic Arts and only then felt in his place. As the actor admitted, the profession became a liberation for him, a step into another life and the greatest pleasure.
Sad love story
After graduating from the Center, Pierce Brosnan served at the Royal Theater in York, then began acting in films. Nobody knew his name when the young artist met Australian actress Cassandra Harris. From the very first minutes of their acquaintance, Pierce was struck by her beauty, but there was no talk of any romance. It was enough just to admire this beauty.

But Cassandra, despite the fact that she was still married at that time, did not remain indifferent to her new acquaintance. Soon the young people had already met, and in December 1980, they became husband and wife. After their father passed away, Pierce Brosnan adopted his wife’s two children from a previous marriage, and Cassandra made him happy with the birth of their expected son Sean.
Unfortunately, the happiness of this family did not last long: seven years after the wedding, the actor’s wife was diagnosed with cancer. They fought the insidious disease for four long years, but they could not win. At the end of December 1991, Cassandra Harris left this world.
Healing with love
After his wife left, it seemed to Pierce Brosnan that his world had collapsed, but the children did not allow him to sink into depression completely. The elders had already grown up, but Sean was only eight, and he desperately needed his father’s attention and participation because it was no less difficult for him than for the actor himself. Pierce yearned for his wife and thought that he had already exhausted his limit of love in this life. He did not pay any attention to women, devoting himself entirely to work and his son.
Everything changed in 1994 when the actor met American journalist Keely Shaye Smith in a Mexican resort town. They met at one of the many bars where a beach party was taking place. Keely was supposed to interview another actor, but she simply canceled the meeting at the last moment. It was probably fate because it was on that evening that the journalist met Pierce Brosnan.

Keely Shaye Smith had a pretty impressive track record, but that seemed to be the least of the actor’s interests. She worked as a correspondent for the show Unsolved Mysteries, spent several years covering environmental issues on a popular program, and once starred in the series. But it didn’t matter. She won the heart of the actor with her positive attitude to life, the ability to keep up the conversation on any topic, and the presence of her own opinion on all issues. Besides, she was very pretty.
At the end of the evening, Pierce Brosnan had already set up a date with her, and they chatted all night long, unable to stop. They were very interested together, and for some reason, the actor immediately realized that he was still quite capable of the most passionate feelings. However, Keely spoke later about the impression Pierce made on her. And it was not about appearance but about his ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, his attentive attitude to trifles, and the warmth that emanated from him.
The first date was followed by the second, followed by the third, and soon they could no longer physically be apart for a long time. Pierce, flying away to shoot, immediately sent her tickets so that she could come to him. He was constantly bored and could no longer imagine life without Keely. True, they officially registered their relationship only seven years later, when their two sons, Dylan and Paris, were already growing up. They got married in Ireland, in the Catholic Church of Ballintubber Abbey.

Appearance is not important
They were considered the most spectacular couple in Hollywood, but over time, the rhetoric of the media, and the fans of the actor, has changed a lot. The fact is that Keely Shay Smith, after the second birth, began to gain weight and very quickly ceased to meet Hollywood beauty standards. Haters were now looking forward to each exit of the spouses with great impatience in order to express their opinion about the plump Keely and let go of some rather cruel jokes about her.

It got to the point that Pierce Brosnan began to be called “handsome”, and his wife, in contrast, was called “a monster.” Many openly spoke and wrote on the actor’s page on social networks about the need to change Keely to a prettier beauty, next to whom the so famous and, most importantly, beautiful Pierce would not be ashamed to appear in society. And Brosnan immediately rushed to the defense of his beloved woman.
He answered rather sharply, but he was right in declaring: Kili is his wife and the mother of his children. In addition, she is his guiding star, without whose presence he would never have reached such heights in creativity. It is thanks to her and her presence in his life that he has the opportunity to create and achieve success. He does not need any leggy beauties, moreover, the actor has repeatedly spoken about his fear of losing his wife.
Appearing in public, the couple continues to demonstrate passionate feelings and does not hide their happiness. Some media outlets claim that Keely Shaye Smith was repeatedly offered her services by weight loss medical centers, which promised to rid her of extra pounds through operations.
But Pierce Brosnan categorically forbade his wife to even think about it. He considers carrying out such operations in his case with his wife senseless. The actor loved Keely when she was a slender beauty, but even now, he treats her just as well. According to his confession, he admires his wife, not her figure. For him, she will always remain the most beautiful and desirable woman in the world.
The couple has been happy together for 27 years, and it seems that no trials can break their union. Keely was by Pierce’s side as he mourned his daughter Charlotte, who had died of cancer. For all these years, Pierce has never given his wife a reason to doubt his love. He invariably talks about the huge number of Keely’s virtues and admits: he is especially attracted to her independence. She may well do without him if they suddenly part. Therefore, he is ready to do everything so that his wife never leaves him.
Fortunately, Pierce Brosnan is far from the only representative of the strong half of humanity who has found his happiness with a woman who does not at all meet the generally accepted standards of beauty. Modern celebrities want to see in a companion not only a slender figure, but also simple human qualities.