Why do I feel tired all the time: 12 reasons

You may feel extremely tired during working days and even on weekends. At such times, all you want to do is lie in bed longer or return to it as soon as possible after a long day at work, turn off the phone, and avoid contacting anyone. This may be a natural state that cannot be changed, but it is not.
Most of the time, it is your fault that you are tired, not your job, workload, or life rhythm. Wrong judgments, erroneous beliefs you believe in, and the need to gain someone’s acceptance drain you psychologically and physically. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most common causes of chronic tiredness.
1. You believe that a change of activities is the best rest
This is an example of how participating in self-deception deprives you of the opportunity to rebuild strength. This belief has most certainly been ingrained in your mind since childhood when elders criticized you for being sedentary. But, even though you’ve grown up a long time, you still can’t afford to lie down and forget about your issues for a few minutes. You believe that this is a waste of time and that doing something else would be far more beneficial. You need to go to the gym because you’re tired from work, and you need to cook yourself dinner because you’re tired of studying.
Stop hunting for things to do – sometimes, all you want is to curl up on the couch and read the news or relax while watching TV. And it would help if you allowed yourself to do so, no matter how pointless you think it is. A change of activities will not help you rebuild strength, but regular relaxation will do in the manner you desire.
2. You are more concerned with others than with yourself

You will become tired if you begin to prioritize other people’s wants, desires, and feelings over your own. You will focus your time and energy on someone else instead of investing in your comfort, meeting your wants, and making yourself happy. As a result, you become tired, but nothing in your life improves.
3. You make an effort to please everyone
It’s terrifying to consider how much time, effort, money, and health are spent only to please others. If how other people see you are really essential to you, if you place a high value on other people’s words in your address, painfully perceive criticism, and attempt to make a favourable impression about yourself, you’ve fallen into a trap. You quickly become tired since all of your resources are focused on meeting other people’s expectations and requests rather than improving your own life.
4. You have too many goals for yourself
Don’t go overboard: having too many goals is just as harmful as having none at all. To begin with, you have no idea what you should take on in the first place in such a situation. You have a large number of tasks to complete, and fitting them all into your schedule is proving to be incredibly challenging. Second, the more goals you have, the more time and effort you will put forth to achieve them.
At such a breakneck speed, it’s easy to lose sight of your own needs and desires and your well-being. You won’t have time to rest, speak with your loved ones, or maintain a pleasant lifestyle.
5. You keep in touch with toxic people

Manipulators, whiners, and those who spend much of their life in the role of the victim all have a negative impact on you and your mental health. It’s tough to have a positive attitude when someone in your immediate environment finds fresh reasons to be unhappy every day. Finally, you begin to believe that life is not as straightforward as it appeared to you earlier. Alternatively, you may begin to feel guilty about how well you’re doing.
Try to avoid communicating with toxic people as much as possible, and if that isn’t possible, minimize the frequency of your meetings. You will feel full of vigour and energy after that.
6. You’re attempting to control something that isn’t under your control
It would help if you recognized what you can affect and what you cannot influence, no matter how hard you try. Global developments, other people’s beliefs and acts, and external events are unrelated to you and your decisions. It will become much easier for you once you embrace this fact because you will save yourself from worthless experiences and wasted time and energy.
7. You accept responsibility for the actions of others
Stop assuming responsibility for others. Adults capable of making their own decisions are accountable for their own lives, conditions, and decisions. All you can do is offer your assistance in whatever way you can.
Allow people to do anything they want: they have the right to ruin their lives, do nothing, disregard their difficulties, etc. It’s their decision, and you have no say in it. Don’t waste your time and energy attempting to coax someone out of a condition or position where they are entirely at ease.
8. You’re trying to change someone

Never try to persuade others to change their minds. You should not put up with any viewpoints, personality traits, or conduct in the hopes of persuading or remaking someone for oneself in the future.
To begin with, you will be disappointed: people do not change merely because others desire it. A person must wish to make changes for them to take place. Second, you’ll waste too much time and energy attempting to rebuild someone who isn’t worth it. As a result, you will undoubtedly feel dissatisfied, experience a sense of impotence, and lose valuable resources that could have been used positively.
9. You don’t give yourself limits
If you aren’t used to establishing limits for yourself, it’s safe to assume that your work or domestic responsibilities consume all of your spare time. You stop rushing there and slowly complete the chores that have been allocated to you, stretching the procedure to its greatest length. Of course, it takes a lot more time and effort in this scenario than it would if you were trying to fulfil a deadline. You can become tired even after doing modest chores.
10. You have no idea how to say “no”
When people ask you for something or make an offer that you don’t want to waste time or effort on, it’s vital to remember that saying “no” does not make you bad. One of the most valuable abilities in your life is the capacity to refuse a person while not feeling like a traitor or an egoist. The sooner you discover it, the fewer times you will feel completely powerless.
11. You strive for perfection in whatever you do
Perfectionism is frequently the source of your fast exhaustion. It takes a lot of energy to accomplish any activity flawlessly, even the little ones, and to bring everything you do to perfection. At the same time, reaching the goal gives you no gratification because you always feel like you haven’t done enough.
12. You lack the ability to accept help from others
Another key talent is the ability to accept assistance from others. Of course, you can tackle all of your difficulties independently, but it does not imply you should do so all of the time. There are numerous scenarios in which even minor engagement by others considerably facilitates obtaining the goal, allowing you to shift your focus to something more important while saving time, energy, or material expenditures. In general, do not overlook the assistance of others.