Why do you feel tired all the time even though you get enough sleep?

Chronic fatigue is an epidemic that has dominated modern society, at least in big cities. Moreover, this problem haunts even those who sleep more than eight hours a day, but for some reason, they still feel overwhelmed and spend the day at the minimum of their capabilities. But how can this be, because sleep is one of the main ways to recharge with energy, and in theory, you should not be tired if you sleep enough time.

There are many reasons you can feel tired, although you get enough sleep, and we will describe the most common ones that explain your constant apathy and fatigue.

You lack physical activity

We have already said this and will repeat that the real enemy of modern man is a sedentary lifestyle. Yes, the quality of life has improved markedly over the past hundred years, but now we are chained to chairs for eight or more hours a day. Moreover, this lifestyle continues on weekends, when many people sit at the computer or on the couch in front of the TV.

All processes in the body slow down, which leads to a deterioration in mental and physical abilities, weight gain, and a decline in energy. The body does not see a reason to produce the usual energy. A sedentary lifestyle, by the way, also affects the quality of sleep, making it restless and superficial.

Logically, the less you get tired during the day, the better you feel in the morning, but the opposite is true. Regular exercise, although it tires the body, at the same time invigorates it and accelerates the blood, removing stagnation. This improves the quality of your sleep, and by incorporating physical activity into your schedule, you will feel like you get better sleep in less time than before.

You are dehydrated

Many people underestimate the problem of dehydration, believing that once they drink a couple of cups of water a day, this is already enough to keep the body in good shape. The problem is that most do not count the amount of water they drink, which is wrong because you need to consume about 35 milliliters of water per kilogram of weight. This corresponds to approximately 2.5 liters of liquid per 70 kilograms of weight.

But why do you feel overwhelmed in the morning with dehydration? The fact is that the brain is 85% water, and it needs to be saturated with moisture and oxygen more than other organs. When the brain is dehydrated, it begins to malfunction, like all systems in the body, and all forces are rushed to eliminate dehydration by drawing water from the skin and organs into our thought center. This leads to unnecessary waste of energy and, as a result, overwork. In addition, organs, particularly the skin, suffer so that you can feel not only tired but also weak, feel discomfort, or even pain.

Eating the wrong diet and not eating breakfast

Eating too many foods high in fats and carbohydrates puts a lot of stress on your body because it sometimes spends more energy on digestion than it receives from the outside. A healthy, balanced diet can help you reduce the stress on the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, do not forget that junk food contains toxins or leads to their formation during the digestion process. Accumulating in the body causes inflammation, which the body fights without rest, including during sleep.

And don’t forget about breakfast, because it directly affects your sleep. But now, after all, do you have a good lunch and dinner, and what does breakfast have to do with it? The fact is that breakfast is perhaps the most important meal of the day, and if you do not eat, the body, which has been starving all night, will experience an even longer fast and will begin to expend energy reserves from your body. Yes, you will make up for the losses later, but the fatigue will accumulate, and the quality of sleep will not be as good.

Stressed or depressed

In some cases, stress is even a beneficial condition that helps mobilize strength. But if the stress is prolonged, it harms all body systems. It’s about stress hormones like cortisol, which, when exposed to long-term, disrupt organ function, as well as circadian rhythms. They disrupt the sleep-wake cycle, and rest becomes intermittent and of poor quality. You can sleep at least 12 hours, but being in a state of stress, such sleep will be no better than passing out on the floor in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication.

Any negative emotions negatively affect sleep quality, and even if it seems to you that you are cheerful and happy in the morning, this is not so. This is only a short-term effect of the rush of joy hormones, soon overshadowed by stress hormones.

Your room is not suitable for sleeping

The ideal room temperature is 18-20 degrees. The body does not perceive anything higher or lower as very welcoming since it is either supercooled or overheated. Also, the room should have a humidity of 50-60%. What’s more important is the light level. You may not notice that a lamplight hits your eyes, chopping off after a hard day’s work, but your body feels everything. The flow of light into the face reduces the amount of sleep hormone melatonin is produced, which makes resting hectic.

If you sleep in unfavorable conditions, you will first not notice the negative influence and will feel sleepy, only occasionally noting that you have become less energetic. But this problem has a cumulative effect, and after a while, cheerfulness will begin to decrease, and fatigue, on the contrary, will be added.

Your body has too little or too much sugar

The sugar level is an important metric that is often overlooked, especially by young men and women who think this issue should only be of concern to older people, but this is the wrong approach. Eating too much sugar can drive your body into type 2 diabetes and other disorders that cause problems with insulin production.

This leads to a feeling of constant fatigue. The lack of sugar makes you tired due to the lack of energy because the body initially takes it from carbohydrates and only then moves on to proteins and fats.

You live in a big city

The problem of big cities is bad ecology and traffic jams, where you get tired on the way to work more than from work itself and in the violation of circadian rhythms caused by widespread light pollution. Too much light, like impenetrable darkness, is two extremes equally harmful to the psyche.

This confuses the body, especially if there are constant transitions from a dark office to a bright street light, then back to your office, which looks like a cave, and from there to a bright room filled with fluorescent lamps, and so on.

The body then begins to produce melatonin, thinking that it is evening and it is time to get ready for bed, then it sharply rebuilds, adapting to the bright light of daytime lamps, which does not benefit the quality of sleep.

Another problem is constant noise exposure. This puts pressure on the psyche, exhausting it because the brain has to constantly filter out extraneous noises to select useful sounds, leading to overwork.

You have health problems

Don’t listen to the older generation who says that at your age, they were heroes and never got sick at all. They don’t remember it. There are no perfectly healthy people and never have been. Everyone has some health problem, and this is normal. But some can torment you imperceptibly, manifesting only in the form of fatigue, although you get enough sleep.

For example, anemia, thyroid problems, or sleep apnea can be caused by the tongue sticking out towards the sky for a few seconds and subsequent oxygen starvation. Even if this does not bother you, it is better to cure the disease as early as possible and not wait until it develops into something serious. Take care of your health, and you will sleep well at night and feel vigorous during the day.

Note* Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional for any questions you may have about your health or condition. Never disregard a health care professional’s advice or delay getting it because of what you read on this website.
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