Why tear gas have long-term adverse health effects – study explains

The use of tear gas would have long-term adverse health effects due to the presence of cyanide, concludes a report from the Toxicology-Chemistry Association of Paris.
The Toxicology-Chemistry Association of Paris has just published a detailed report devoted to the study of the toxic effects on the organism in the more or less long term of the use of CS tear gas. During metabolism, the absorbed gas successively releases two molecules of cyanide, a highly toxic element, the doctor’s note.
“The immediate health effects of cyanide anion are well documented: irritating effects on the eyes, skin, respiratory tract, damage to the cardiovascular and central nervous system (leading to headaches, dizziness, fatigue, etc.). In the longer term, the cyanide anion can aggravate these disorders and also affect the endocrine system (thyroid),” explains the study.
“At higher or lower doses, CS gas causes an irritating effect that can lead to damage to the eyes, skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract that may become irreversible,” the authors add.
Protecting public health
However, CS gas is being used more and more often at events, note the researchers. The report analyzes several deaths that occurred after the use of CS gas during recent protests, as well as during the 1968 demonstrations.
“It is becoming urgent that governments making use of CS gas take binding decisions aimed at protecting public health,” urge the scientists.