Woman duct-taped on flight try to open a door during flight

Woman duct-taped on a flight in the United States after she went crazy on an American Airlines plane. She tried to open the cabin door and was eventually tied to her seat. The incident happened on 6 Jul during an approximately two-hour flight from Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, to Charlotte, North Carolina. There were 190 people on board Flight 1774.
Fellow passenger Elizabeth LaClair told the Washington Post that she was in the second row, one in front of the woman. She heard them say to her neighbor “that she didn’t want the plane to fly up again”.
She became more and more restless and very loud. “The man next to her and the cabin crew tried to comfort her and calm her down, but nothing helped.”
American airline duct tape
Suddenly, the woman ran to the cabin door and tried to open it, LaClair said. Staff rushed over and overpowered her, securing her wrists and feet with duct tape and what appeared to be plastic straps.
The woman, apparently in her thirties, was held in a crew compartment but became increasingly aggressive. She kicked around, cursing loudly before the cabin crew asked the passengers in the rows in front of and next to the woman to stand up. They taped the woman to her chair with duct tape.
To bite
American Airlines confirms that the woman tried to open the cabin door. The airline speaks of a “potential safety problem” and adds that the passenger also “physically assaulted and bit a cabin attendant”.
At the airport, the woman was taken by officers and emergency personnel. American Airlines further assures The Charlotte Observer that it is “usually physically impossible” to open a cabin door during the flight because of the large air pressure differences inside and outside the aircraft.