Woman who forced ex-husband to clean house has new boyfriend: a cleaner

A British woman, who was indicted last year by her husband for having forced him to clean the house every day for years with verbal and physical threats, presented her new love. According to Valerie Sanders (58), who has since divorced, she recently has an affair with 33-year-old Tony Mableson, who is a cleaner in everyday life.

Media in the UK last year brought the news in scents and colors that Valerie Sanders, who still calls herself ‘a somewhat piston type’, was arrested in her home and then imprisoned for 17 hours. She was accused by her husband at the time of “controlling, dominant, morbid and compulsive behavior.”

Because the police suspected serious domestic violence and her 58-year-old husband Michael had filed an official complaint against his wife, an extensive judicial investigation followed. It showed that Valerie is ‘extremely dominant and compelling and makes absurdly high demands on hygiene in her home’. And also that Michael got psychological problems and even plans suicide due to the character of his life partner.

However, it didn’t come to a lawsuit scheduled for this week, because the couple recently divorced, the man feels a bit better, and the woman is delighted to meet a younger man who also likes to keep Valerie’s house in order. Michael Sanders, the woman’s ex, no longer wants to talk to the media. Neither the woman.

“Complete Hell”

Earlier, the man stated that there were daily notes with ridiculous orders in his house that drove him to great despair. “We got married in 2014 and after a few months she started to make my life miserable,” he told Daily Mail last year. “I no longer had a life. If I refused her absurd assignments, I had serious threats in my head. It was complete hell. I really couldn’t do anything right.”

The woman also vented her displeasure. She denied any form of domestic violence but said that her body-building husband had a sports obsession. “He spends all of our money on expensive training and competitions and for that reason, he does groceries in cheap stores that sell food that I don’t like. That is why I never eat the meals he prepared. Furthermore, he sports so often that the household, in our case a shared task between men and women, falls short.”

Woman who forced ex-husband to clean house has new boyfriend: a cleaner
©Facebook – Michael, the ex-husband.

Valerie Sanders also said that Michael would rather wash his car outside than keep things clean inside. And also that her husband had become impotent through the use of steroids. “I didn’t want sex anymore because he was trained so dry and had so many muscles that I felt like having to make love with an ironing board.” According to DailyMail, the sessions would undoubtedly have produced much verbal spectacle.

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