You need to remove these “dangerous” apps from your smartphone

Users of smartphones have been warned of a new malicious virus capable of stealing personal data. IT security specialists presented a list of applications deemed dangerous.

Check Point’s IT security specialists have drawn up a list of applications that they advise smartphone users to remove from their smartphone immediately.

According to the CheckPoint website, the experts came up with two names for each program. The first can be seen in the phone’s menu as a shortcut, while the second appears in the application’s properties.

The list of programs suspected of carrying a new malicious Trojan called Rogue includes Google Play Service, Security, Settings, Apple, Apple Project, Axgle, Buzz, Wifi Password Cracker, Idea Security, Service, and wallpaper girls.

As the source states, this remote-access virus can “take over” the device and steal data, photos, location information, contacts, and user messages. The program hides itself as a device administrator as a standard Google service.

If the owner of the smartphone tries to restrict the access of malware to their data, a warning will appear on the screen: “Do you really want to delete all data”.

Check Point specialists warned that the new Trojan horse is programmed to access the device’s microphone and camera.

In addition, with this virus, hackers can call and send messages from victims’ devices, take screenshots, delete files, and install applications.

“Fight” against viruses

The CheckPoint company clarified that the Trojan could also access the WhatsApp database on the phone and delete all saved messages.

Users who found any of these apps on their phones were instructed to remove them and install a reliable antivirus immediately.

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