Young mother throws her baby on the road

The woman was under the influence of some drugs when everything happened. A 23-year-old woman was arrested in Silver Springs, Florida, on charges of aggravated child abuse. And non-violent resistance to an officer.

According to some media, the elements of the police arrived at the scene after several drivers reported a woman running on the state highway with a baby in her arms. Some witnesses claim that the female was under the influence of narcotics. And barked like a dog at cars passing on the road.

A video captured by the elements of the Police shows how the young mother, identified as Kayla Morgan. Drops her baby, about six weeks old, when she tried to flee from the authorities.

The baby suffered a fracture in the skull and is hospitalized, after the tremendous blow he suffered. After his arrest, the baby’s mother explained that he ran away because he thought one of the agents was a “monster who wanted to suck his blood.”

The woman was subjected to toxicological studies and the result was a high concentration of drugs. So, she had no choice but to admit that she had been using MDMA. And methamphetamine for three consecutive days. Kayla Morgan is being held without bail in the Marion County jail and it is still unknown what will happen to the six-week-old baby, who is still in recovery.

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