3 ways to earn more if you don’t want to be a manager

Some people dream of a management role, but there are also plenty of people who are not happy with it. As a manager, you are mainly concerned with managing people, and you will not code, write, design, etcetera yourself. The associated meetings and office politics are also not for everyone.

But just because you don’t want to be a manager doesn’t mean you always want to stay on the same salary. Fortunately, you can also start earning more if you don’t want to become a manager.

But how do you do that? Three ways.

1. Ask for a salary increase

It is, of course, not as simple as ‘ask for a salary increase.’ To earn a higher salary, you must demonstrate that you add value to the organization and its bottom line. But you don’t just add value to a company by taking more responsibility.

After all, a company not only needs managers but also doers. To prove that you indeed add more value to the organization, it is smart to keep track of your performance.

In this way, you make clear to yourself and others why your work is essential for the company. Maybe you always finish projects well before the deadline, bring in many new clients, or find a way to save the company money. Here are reasons why you can ask for a raise.

Instead of presenting these achievements as proof that you deserve a promotion, show that a raise is justified. Does your company need a promotion before you even qualify for a higher salary? Then focus on another title that does not involve management responsibilities (such as ‘senior’).

2. Start for yourself

If you don’t want to become a manager of other people but still want to earn more from your work, starting your own business can be a solution. In this way, you still bear a lot of responsibility, and you get enough challenge, but you are only responsible for your work.

Moreover, you can then focus on the work you enjoy doing the most: the actual writing, designing, etcetera. At the same time, you decide for yourself how much you charge for your work.

But be aware: starting your own business is not for everyone. It brings a lot of unpredictability.

3. Apply at a different type of company

Companies were climbing the corporate ladder are the logical way to grow in your career and your salary. You probably aren’t quite right with that company. If you stay there for too long in the same position, it will be seen as a sign that you don’t have enough ambition or don’t try hard enough.

You are probably better off with a flat organization or a smaller company. In any case, applying for a job at another company is an excellent opportunity to make a big step in your salary.

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