30 interesting facts you didn’t know

We live without realizing how many unusual and interesting facts are hidden in our vast world. We will consider 30 of the most interesting and little-known facts in this collection for the most curious.

1. Have you ever guessed about the amazing possibilities of your brain?

The human brain can perform Thirty-eight thousand trillion operations per second, be it a computer. It is worth noting that even the most advanced and modern supercomputer can perform some miserable 0.003% of this great number.

2. The chances of dying in everyday life are higher than in war

In our time, statistics show that each of us is three times more likely to die when moving from home to work and from work to home than if we were now in a war.

3. A pterodactyl that lived in the distant past had a larger wingspan than a modern fighter

In Romania, the remains of this reptile were discovered, allegedly weighing about half a ton and a wingspan that exceeded the wingspan of the F16 fighter.

4. A place where you can see two whole sunsets in one day

Burj Khalifa – a skyscraper in Dubai (height 828 meters) is so high that when you see the sunset, first at ground level, and then, going up to the observation deck, you will see the same sunset, only from above. To get the latest stories, install our app here

5. An interesting secret of the handbag of the British Queen

Few people know, but this handbag is a means of conveying messages to the Queen’s employees. For example, her assistants will gently end her conversation with a guest when moving her purse from one hand to another. And if the handbag is on the ground, the Queen wants to end the dialogue with someone abruptly.

6. High heels are made for men

The high heel was created in the 10th year BC and was originally intended for the men of the Persian cavalry to make riding more comfortable.

7. Are almonds, pistachios, peanuts, cashews, and walnuts really nuts?

These foods are classified as seeds, as a nut is defined as dried fruit or seed with a hard shell or shell.

8. Armadillo shells that can withstand a shot

The shell of this animal is capable of remaining unharmed after being shot at it. One case in Texas turned into injuries when a man decided to shoot an armadillo, after which the bullet ricocheted and returned to the young man in the jaw. The battleship remained unharmed; it is a pity that the man did not know about this fact in advance.

9. The Sahara desert is covered with sand for only a quarter of its area

The rest of its surface is covered with gravel and consists of mountain ranges and oases. It is worth noting that the Sahara is also not the largest desert in the world, as is commonly believed. To get the latest stories, install our app here

10. The largest desert on Earth is Antarctica

5.5m square miles – such is the area of the Antarctic polar desert, covering almost the entire Antarctica.

11. Two body parts that never stop growing

At the end of the growth of all body parts, the ears and nose are the only parts of the body whose growth does not end throughout life.

12. Summer “growth” of the Eiffel Tower

The height of the Eiffel Tower can increase on warm days in summer due to the expansion of the base of the tower up to fifteen centimeters.

13. The incredible height of the flight of bees

Up to 9000 meters, bees can rise above sea level. For comparison, the height of Everest (the highest mountain on the planet) is 8849 meters. To get the latest stories, install our app here

14. Koala fingerprints

It’s hard to believe, but koalas have fingerprints so similar to those of humans that even experienced experts can hardly tell the difference between them.

15. Greenland sharks are the longest-lived vertebrates

At the moment, these sharks have the longest life expectancy among all vertebrates. By the way, they even reach puberty only by the age of one hundred and fifty.

16. Sharks are older than trees

Trees are about 50 million years younger than sharks, which are about 400 million years old.

17. Ants are not able to die when falling

With an extremely small weight, the ant is physically incapable of dying when falling, even from a couple of hundred meters.

18. What was on Earth before the appearance of trees?

Giant white mushrooms. They covered most of the Earth’s area before the appearance of trees, having an approximate height of seven meters and a width of one meter.

19. Why did Soviet cosmonauts bring shotguns to space?

By no means to fight off aliens; people were just afraid when landing on Earth to end up in Siberia and meet there one on one with wild bears.

20. The intelligence of a dog is comparable to the intelligence of a two-year-old child

These very intelligent animals can learn up to two hundred and fifty commands during their lives. To get the latest stories, install our app here

21. How much skin does a person shed in his life?

It has been proven that, on average, we lose about 35kg of skin during our lifetime. The top layer of skin is replaced monthly.

22. Bats make up a quarter of the total number of mammals on Earth

There are about one thousand two hundred species of these animals, ranging from the smallest mammal in the world to a bat with a two-meter wingspan.

23. Jellyfish are actually made of water

Having no brain, no heart, no blood, only 5% of the body of this creature is a solid jellyfish; the rest is water.

24. By the monument of a horse, you can determine exactly how a person died

Both front legs raised mean the death of a person in battle. One raised front leg signifies death from wounds in battle. Both front feet on the ground – the man died of natural causes.

25. How do small children see the world?

Black and white image and silhouettes this is what children see during the first month of life. They are also unable to focus on objects. This phenomenon occurs due to the incomplete formation of the eye’s retina. To get the latest stories, install our app here

26. 13659 wooden pillars at a depth of twelve meters are located under the Royal Palace of Amsterdam

Absolutely all buildings in the Netherlands are rebuilt on wooden poles; the reason for this is the high content of hairdryer and clay in the ground.

27. If woodpeckers don’t eat for too long, they start eating brains

The most common woodpeckers, with prolonged abstinence from food, begin to eat the brain, pressing other birds. They peck at the back of the head until they break the skull and, getting to the brains, eat them.

28. About half of the human body is made up of red blood cells

Red blood cells make up approximately 25 to 37 trillion cells in our body. Only twenty seconds is enough for one of these cells to bypass our entire body.

29. The number of bacteria in the body of an average adult reaches from one to five kilograms

It’s hard to believe, but solid bacteria inhabit our entire body. Think about how much 1 bacterium weighs. Now imagine their unlimited number inside the body. To get the latest stories, install our app here

30. If you add up the weight of all the ants on Earth, then this figure will exceed the total weight of all people

No one even wondered how many ants are on Earth. It’s amazing and hard to imagine. More than 7 billion people live on the planet. The average weight of an adult is 62 kg. The weight of an ant may vary depending on the species, but on average, it is no more than 5 mg. If you do a little calculation, there is not enough room for such a long number.

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