5 foods to avoid if you have oily skin

Oily skin can be inherited by a person or become so due to hormonal changes, stress, disease, climate change, etc. It is more important not why you have this type of skin, but what to do with it.

The main thing is nutrition, and in this article, we will tell you about 5 foods that need to be excluded from the daily diet.


5 foods to avoid if you have oily skin

Mayonnaise, vegetable oil, margarine, and other similar products are taboo for oily skin. They generally have a negative effect on the body, but the skin suffers from their effects first.

Dairy products

5 foods to avoid if you have oily skin

Milk, ice cream, fatty cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurts – they cannot be completely abandoned, but it is worth limiting their consumption. These products stimulate the sebaceous glands, and you need the opposite effect.

It is possible that your skin does not respond well to a particular dairy product, so try eliminating them one at a time to determine the culprit.

Red meat

You've probably heard a lot of talk about the benefits and dangers of meat. And although there is no definite opinion on this issue, experts nevertheless noticed that if you have too many meat products in your diet, you significantly increase the risk of developing certain diseases. How much meat should be eating per day? If you currently consume more than 90 grams of meat per day, the UK Health Department advises you to reduce it to 70 grams. What happens if you eat meat every day? Cancer risk increases Research shows that eating large amounts of red meat may increase your risk of developing colorectal cancer (malignant neoplasm of the colon). The World Cancer Research Foundation and the American Institute for Cancer Research in 2018 found that eating more than 0.5 kg of red meat per week may increase the risk of colorectal cancer. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, regular consumption of meat products can make you more vulnerable to stomach and rectal cancers. Scientists speculate that this may be due to the saturated fat in these foods. Try replacing beef, pork, and meat products with poultry or plant-based proteins such as legumes. You will be lazy and sleepy Protein provides us with energy for a long time (meat is digested for a long time). However, it is worth noting that it will not provide you with energy instantly the way carbohydrates do - they quickly turn into the most accessible energy source for the body - glucose. According to board-certified nutritionist Caroline Passerrello, the human brain uses glucose only for energy, but it may lack that energy if your diet contains difficult-to-digest protein. Dehydration We know that meat products are high in protein. But overeating protein leads to an increase in uric acid levels. Because of this, you may notice that you are very thirsty. The kidneys need more water to dilute this toxic waste. To produce urine, we need water. If you're not careful, it can lead to dehydration, so make sure you drink enough water. You May Gain Extra Weight Our bodies rely on protein for muscle repair, but too much of it can have an undesirable side effect: if you eat more protein than you need it, it is not stored as protein later on but as fat. It would be best if you consumed exactly as much protein as the body needs. Increased risk of kidney stones Excess protein can harm the kidneys. Proteins found in animal products contain purines - nitrogen-containing compounds that enter our bodies through food. Their metabolic product is uric acid. Large amounts of uric acid increase the risk of kidney stones. Most people shouldn't have much of a protein breakdown problem, but watch your protein intake if you have kidney problems. You will have to fight bloat According to one study published in the European Journal of Nutrition, eating a lot of meat (high in saturated fat) can lead to bloating. It's also worth noting that meat products don't have enough antioxidants to fight bloat. Experts advise sticking to the "color diet." Each color of a particular fruit and vegetable is a separate group of antioxidants that act differently and bring their benefits to the body. You can hurt your heart Fiber prevents the body from absorbing cholesterol, thereby protecting your heart. If you love red meat or processed meats, and at the same time, do not eat enough fiber-rich foods, then you are even more harmful to your heart. These meats are high in saturated fats, which research has shown raise harmful cholesterol levels and, in turn, raise the risk of heart disease. Processed meats like salami, sausages, and bacon are known to be bad for the heart. The American Heart Association recommends limiting saturated fat intake to 5-6% of your total calories. Difficulty with stool Meat contains almost no fiber. We generally get fiber from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. According to experts, among the first signs of a lack of fiber may be constipation, discomfort, and pain during stool passage. Add more healthy carbs such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to your diet. There is a risk that you will get sick more often If you get colds often, it may be worth considering nutrition. If you're on a keto diet, you probably don't eat many fruits, and they contain vitamin C. Fortunately, you can also get the nutrients you need from vegetables such as broccoli and bell peppers. Your skin and hair can be hurt If you eat many meat products, there is a good chance that your diet lacks nutrients. Vitamin C is less commonly found in animal products, which means it needs to be taken from other sources. It plays a vital role in the formation of collagen fibers (collagen is a protein that affects the structure of your skin, hair, nails, and bones). Passerrello noted that her clients were surprised by how much their skin improved after cutting back on animal products and focusing more on plant-based diets. Experts recommend including dark greens in your daily diet.

Beef, lamb, pork, and their derivatives (bacon, sausages) with oily skin are not the best companion. This is a good reason to try vegetarianism, but if you don’t feel like it, then at least alternate red meat with poultry and seafood, and it is better to steam it. In no case should you fry in a large amount of oil.


What happens to your body if you give up sugar for a month

Sweets are one of the most common causes of skin problems. Sugar contains the protein IGF-1, an insulin-like hormone that stimulates the production of fat.

If you lean on sweets, then too much fat will be produced; therefore, even giving up meat and milk but continuing to eat sweets, the result will not be achieved.


5 foods to avoid if you have oily skin

A lot of salty food in the diet leads to dehydration, so the body turns on the defense mechanism and begins to retain water “in reserve.” The result is puffiness and bags under the eyes.

The skin also begins to “defend itself” and increases the production of sebum or sebum. Canned food, fast food, homemade pickles – try to eat less of them.

Among the foods that are not allowed, many can and should be eaten with oily skin. This is especially true of vegetables and fruits: oranges, cabbage, peaches, bell peppers, apricots – this and much more will give the necessary vitamin C.

Also, do not forget that despite many problems, oily skin ages more slowly: wrinkles, age spots, and other age-related changes appear later than dry or normal.

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