5 jobs that will be hot in the future

A lot of jobs will die in the coming years due to digitization. Yet that is no reason to panic. The labor market is always changing.

Not so very long ago, you could still make a career as a carpenter or dairy farmer. Labor market believes that for every workstation that is now being dropped, four others will replace it. But what exactly are the jobs of the future? And what should you be able to do for it?

Robotics expert

Chances are that robots will unload trucks, clean our houses, and deliver packages within a few years. But that technology will not fall out of the blue. To develop, maintain, and continuously improve all these smart robots, a lot of robotics specialists are needed. With a degree in computer science, engineering, or electromechanics, you can develop into a robotics automation consultant, technical researcher, or automation engineer.

Online health specialist

Care professions such as doctors or nurses are not immediately threatened by new technologies, on the contrary. They do evolve with it. There are already real online pharmacies where customers can not only order medication but also seek advice.

After pharmacy training, you can work in 2020 as an ‘online pharmacist’ who answers medical questions remotely. Besides, health apps and gadgets are becoming increasingly important. These are also exciting times for technical e-health experts.

Privacy consultant

The more digital applications are used, the more data is available. All that information should not fall into the wrong hands. Privacy experts are therefore more sought after than ever, especially since the advent of GDPR (also General Data Protection Regulation – called AVG).

This category includes both IT professionals who provide the necessary cybersecurity, as well as specialized lawyers and even social media consultants who advise companies on an efficient, correct, and secure online marketing strategy. A law, marketing, or communication course, therefore, remains very valuable.

City farmer

Cities are becoming more prominent, and green spaces are becoming rarer. This requires creative solutions for, among other things, fruit and vegetable growing. Trend watchers believe that urban farming is such an innovative solution: growing crops in vertical gardens, on city roofs, or in abandoned factory halls.

A fascinating challenge for those who want to become city farmers and for bio-engineers, agricultural and horticultural scientists, and geographers who will put their shoulders to the wheel for development. In addition, there is an enormous demand for sustainability experts to protect the nature that is still there.

Chief Happiness Officer

In addition to the growing attention for the environment, companies are becoming increasingly aware that they must focus on well-being in the workplace. More and more organizations are, therefore, appointing a so-called Chief Happiness Officer. Her job? Develop a policy that keeps colleagues healthy, motivated, and mentally fit.

Also, prevention knowledge of burnout, psychologists, and coaches remains indispensable in the future. Because although robots have a lot to offer, they will never be able to match an excellent personal conversation.

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