How to put student jobs on your resume wisely? 4 tips

When drafting your first CV, it is not always easy to mention the experiences you have gained during your student jobs in a clear and relevant way on your CV. Still, they can be exciting and rewarding, as these experiences have helped develop many skills and abilities.

Below are four tips that will help you present the experience gained in your student jobs and possibly in your resume.

Select the most relevant student jobs

If you started as a working student at the age of sixteen, you have undoubtedly done many different student jobs. However, it is not necessary to list them all in detail on your CV. The best resumes are just the most straightforward and most concise. This is how you make the most of your selection:

Limit yourself to student jobs in which you have developed generally applicable

skills such as: working in a team, respecting deadlines, working in an organized manner.

Prefer student jobs that you have done over a more extended period: a student job of a week does not offer the same added value as a student job that you have done for several months.

Choose the correct job title

Do not limit yourself to repeatedly mentioning ‘Student job’ as the job title. A title such as ‘Sales Advisor’ sounds a lot more appealing and professional than ‘Seller,’ although the content is the same.

Find the right words to describe your job responsibilities

To describe the tasks performed as accurately as possible, you can use your choice of words wisely and professionally. Instead of saying that you “answered the phone and emails” or “stuffed the shelves,” use attractive terms such as “administration” or “merchandising.”

Mention the skills and qualities you have acquired

In addition to the description of your main tasks, do not hesitate to indicate which skills and qualities you have developed during these student jobs. Recruiters attach great importance to soft skills that shape the personality of candidates.

For example, experience as a ‘Sales Consultant’ may have enabled you to develop good interpersonal skills and develop a positive and dynamic attitude. For instance, as a ‘Cashier’ you have learned to be reliable and responsive.

Regardless of the position, you are applying for, try to bring out qualities that you think will be applicable or useful in your future job.

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