How do you build experience as a starter?

You see a tailor-made vacancy for you: you have the proper diploma, you live nearby, you are a dynamic team player, and you don’t mind going the extra mile when deadlines demand it. Yet there is one problem: you lack three years of experience. Below are 6 ways to close that gap in your resume.
Find the right student job
By putting a part-time job on your resume, you show that you can function in a professional environment and not shy about work. Think carefully when choosing your student job. Look for work in line with your field of study. This shows that you are passionate about your future craft. At the same time, you gain experience and build a network.
Explore your internship opportunities
At the end of your studies, you will have to do an internship to finally convert all that theory into practice. So start your research on time: in which company would you like to work in the future? Apply as soon as possible because internships at reputable companies are limited and in demand. Even after your studies, you can write to companies to do a different training.
Educate yourself
Can’t find work right away? Then use your time to learn new skills. Follow the latest news about your sector and find out which tools and trends are finding their way to the labor market. Follow online tutorials or get certificates. Employers will be impressed by your knowledge!
You may have a diploma that you can use as a volunteer. For example, if you studied to be an accountant, you could take on the position of treasurer.
Take an Individual Vocational Training or IBO
With an IBO, you will be employed by a company that provides you with training. In that case, you will not receive a salary but an IBO benefit and a premium. So you immediately earn money, even if you have no experience. You build this up throughout your trajectory, and when you complete the training, you will be offered a contract.
Temporary agency work
If you do not immediately find a permanent job or if you would like to gain experience within different companies, interim work is a good idea. You can build a personal relationship with employees of temporary employment agencies. When they get positive feedback about you, they will go the extra mile to keep you up and running to gain enough experience.
Moreover, during interim work, you enjoy the same social rights as an ordinary employee. Thus, for example, you are already building up a pension, you are entitled to sickness benefits, and you are paid public holidays.