The spiritual meaning of pain in body parts

Body pains are often caused by deeper factors and are usually emotional. The apparent cure of disease determines another segment’s progression if the problem is not understood and recognized.
The body accumulates toxins from wrong movements and bad food combined with lousy physical, emotional and mental state. These toxins are stored in specific parts of the body, especially in the wrists, lymphatic system, internal organs, and head.
When the body, mind, and environment function properly, our body eliminates these toxins. The bodily elimination is achieved with the help of the intestinal tract, the liver, the kidneys, the bladder, and various body fluids.
Some toxins are eliminated through the sweat glands, but if something goes wrong here, the body removes the toxins through the skin. If toxins cannot be removed for some reason, the body’s toxicity balance increases until it develops into a disease. If the body cannot release its tension, the internal organs become drunk and sick.
Spiritual meaning of pain in body parts
They bring air into the body to allow it to be absorbed into the blood and clear the blood of poisonous gas. In the emotional body, the lungs store emotional blockages such as anger, fear, and lack of vitality. These are the underlying causes of asthma. Coughing is a reflex that tries to eliminate the pain caused by emotional trauma.
The stomach receives the food and is responsible for the process of digestion, preparing the food for the small intestine. Blocks at this emotional body level include old rules and ideas (from family or school, colleagues, teachers, priests, doctors, and so on).
It is the pump of the cardiovascular system, with four chambers, two on the right that connects to the lungs and the two on the left that connects to the rest of the body. The heart receives deoxygenated blood from the right side and pumps it into the lungs. Oxygenated blood returns from the lungs to the left side, and from there, it is sent to the rest of the body.
The emotional blockages that we experience are stored in the emotional body, in the heart area: regret, sadness, grief, loss of an object or loved one, fear, sadness, rejection, abuse or other hurtful feelings, fear, certain blockages as a result of unhappy love experiences, or an imbalance between giving and receiving.
It represents the materialized anger, “biting” from the stomach. Vibrations in the stomach come from anxiety and stress. Indigestion is caused by thoughts, entrenched feelings, and ideas that no longer belong in the individual’s life, fear of change, and fear of being rejected.
Small Intestine
It fills the abdominal cavity and is bounded by the colon, receives partially digested food from the stomach, and uses the pancreas and liver’s secretions to digest it. The small intestine is responsible for the digestion of peptic substances, including vitamins.
It is the largest organ and is responsible for a variety of chemicals and transformations. The blood carries nutrients to the liver, which converts hydrocarbons into fats and proteins. The liver produces cholesterol, stores vitamins A, B12, and iron.
It removes toxins from the blood. At this level, there are emotional blocks such as anger and fear, which have been stored here for a long time.
Gall Bladder
The bile is located just below the liver. It collects the bile that is excreted by the liver. The bile helps digest fats, making them water-soluble so enzymes can break them down. Stored emotional blockages in the gallbladder include anger turned into disgust and aversion.
It secretes enzymes, which once in the small intestine help digest carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It also produces insulin. The pancreas is considered an endocrine gland whose function can affect other hormones.
Emotional blocks stored here include the feeling that something is missing in life, dissatisfaction with life, the fact that you are not where you wanted, the absence of salt and pepper from life, its glitter. Some have excesses of kindness and gentleness.
It absorbs water, vitamins, and minerals, including the appendix. The colon rises to the right, crosses, and descends to the left. It stores emotional blockages in the abdomen, in the area of Hara – an energy center: unexpressed feelings of fear, anger, and innocence. When the brain cannot remove or solve certain problems, they are stored in the abdomen’s energy region.
It is a lymphatic organ that filters the blood and functions in the immune system. Emotional blocks stored here: emotions caused by unfinished problems, past relationships, someone’s death, the loss of your job, a lifestyle that keeps you tied to the past.
They maintain the chemical and electrolyte balance of all body fluids, also maintain the water level in the body and process the blood plasma. Kidneys also maintain the balance of acids and alkalis in the body. There is a shock trauma in the energy center at this level, which can generate hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system, leading to a large adrenaline release.
The adrenal glands and kidneys also play a role in healing the autoimmune system. This part of the body is treated in case of shock, trauma, illness, surgery, emotional imbalances, stress of any kind, allergies, lack of vitality, and automatic fear responses.
It is the body’s command center location and the place where we design our lives. Balance in the head is vital for an overall balance: mental, emotional, and physical. Usually, headaches or migraines are suppressed feelings that cause imbalances, while the conscious part tries to find the cause for which things are not as they should be.
They are related to inner vision, feelings, and hearing (linked to the third eye or the center of clairvoyance). Not being noticed by others, not seeing other people’s wishes, not wanting to see what’s under your nose (presbyopia), or being at long distances (myopia) are some of the feelings stored here. Channels connect the eyes to the sinuses, where tears are stored.
Listen to others before you are heard. Ears are related to blood pressure, overall balance, and clarity. Blockages occur at this level because we do not want or do not want to hear something.
This is the center of speech and personal verbal utterances. Emotional blocks at this level are caused by suppression of words or ideas, thoughts, or beliefs. These blocks occur when a person doesn’t say what to do, talks too much, or shows sensitivity to silence.
It makes words and pronounces. Blocks at this level are caused by ideas, words, thoughts, or beliefs that get stuck in your throat, you ‘choke’ your words. They can also be caused by not saying what you want to say or talking too much. Emotional blocks in this area are related to pressures and responsibilities that you carry that weigh heavily on you. In addition, they are related to narrow-minded people, the lack of help from others, or an overly rigid thinking pattern.
Gastrointestinal tract
Constipation is caused by suppressed feelings of anger, fear, or guilt. Diarrhea is caused by the removal of old feelings, thoughts, ideas that have not been confronted or resolved.
It stores feelings of anger and guilt associated with sexuality.
It has to do with guilt about sex, anger towards women, feelings of helplessness, lack of support.
They are the body’s support system, usually with feelings of anger and fear (manifesting as lipid deposits), the feeling of vulnerability, and lack of protection.
They are responsible for thinking about flexibility and safety (support) in life. The left knee is responsible for internal emotional support. The right knee is related to external emotional support, which is provided by work, money, friends.
The support of the mother is stored in the left knee, while the support of the father is stored on the right. Parents who have reversed roles also reverse symptoms in the knees.
They are related to attitude (which we express through our attitude). The storage of feelings here depends on whether we can stand up for ourselves and others, be role models for others, and feel spiritually fulfilled. The foot contains projections of all organs in the body, is also related to the practical meaning of life.
The right shoulder bears weight and responsibilities concerning family, professional, and world affairs. The left shoulder carries internal emotions, responsibilities for one’s physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental life, and the responsibility for growth (development) in these areas. This area also stores feelings of guilt.
Upper Back Area
The right side contains anger, imbalances due to excessive generosity, insignificant disturbances, hateful feelings, and other repressed emotions, such as self-incrimination. The left side stores feelings of sadness, the loss of a loved one, sadness, loss of things, guilt. Most of the time, the left side resonates to over-reception without giving enough in return.
Lower Back Area
It stores anger, ungenerated feelings, sex-related stress, and barriers separating you from the opposite sex. Blockages in this region are also related to survival, kundalini activation, fear of success, fear of life, fear of acting.
Effective healing methods include lymph drainage, Reiki massage (or other energetic technique), breathing techniques, reflexology, herbalism, aromatherapy, homeopathy, vegan nutrition, nature walks, and exercise (running or cycling).