Absent from work: Man (19) stages his own kidnapping

We spend a lot of hours at work, but not everyone likes to do their job. Some employees even dare to make up excuses to stay at home for a day. A 19-year-old man from Arizona, USA, made up a very extreme excuse. The young man staged his own kidnapping.

On February 10, police found 19-year-old Brandon Soules in Coolidge, a town of about 13,000 inhabitants, after a telephone report. The young man’s hands were tied behind his back, as can be seen in a photo distributed by the police. There was also a bandana stuffed in his mouth. Everything seemed that Soules was the victim of a kidnapping.

Soules told police that two masked men dragged him into a car in front of his house, knocked him out, and tied him up. They would also have hit him on the back several times.

19-year-old Brandon Soules staged his kidnapping
©Coolidge police department – 19-year-old Brandon Soules staged his kidnapping

According to him, the men kidnapped him because his father had hidden a large amount of money somewhere.

After intense investigation, the detectives found no evidence that Soules had actually been kidnapped. They viewed images from surveillance cameras in the region and questioned all kinds of people who could have anything to do with the case. Also, the doctors’ report found that Soules did not have a concussion or head injury.

Ultimately, the investigators concluded that Soules had staged the kidnapping. Also, Soules’ father had not hidden any money at all.

When confronted with this accusation, Soules confessed that he had made up his story. The young man had staged the disappearance because he did not want to go to work. The manager of the car shop where Soules worked declined to comment.

Soules has to pay a fine of 550 dollars for a false declaration. He would also no longer be working at the car shop.

19-year-old Brandon Soules staged his kidnapping
©Coolidge police department
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