Appeal has been rejected: Tupac’s love letter to Madonna can be auctioned

Bad luck for Madonna (60): although she has done her utmost to stop the sale, some of her personal items can now be auctioned. The Manhattan court decided that. This includes a love letter she received from rapper Tupac Shakur and satin underwear.
Madonna filed a lawsuit against the auction website Gotta Have It! Collectibles and former art advisor Darlene Lutz because they offered some of her personal items for sale in July 2017 on their website. The items – including a love letter from Tupac Shakur, satin underwear and a brush with hair from the singer – disappeared during a move in 2004.
In April 2018, a Manhattan court rejected its case because Madonna would have waited too long to file a complaint, which meant the three-year limitation period had expired.
The judge then also ruled that a settlement she had previously made with Lutz in connection with an argument about artworks prevented Madonna from starting a new case against her. The singer appealed that decision, but her appeal has now been rejected again. Her personal items can be auctioned.
Hartley Bernstein, Lutz’s lawyer, and the auction website says his clients are happy with the decision. “We feel that the court made the only right decision. It is good to know that the court is blind to things such as celebrity and that facts always win.”