Are grapes bad for you? 5 health benefits of grapes

Grapes are the sweet and juicy fruits of shrubby lianas that began to be grown several millennia ago. Grape not only taste great and are the main ingredient in the best wines, but they also have several beneficial properties.

Here are five important health benefits you can get from consuming grapes regularly.

Grapes support immunity

Grapes contain vitamins C and A that are important for our immune system and have natural antimicrobial properties that help protect the body from various infections.

In addition, these berries are 80% water, so eating them helps to avoid dehydration, improves blood circulation and overall well-being, especially in hot weather.

Slows down the ageing of the brain

Thanks to its high content of the antioxidant quercetin, grapes reduce inflammation in the body, slow down brain ageing and prevent the development of age-related neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

In addition, quercetin can enhance apoptosis (death) of worn-out, dysfunctional and even cancer cells.

Improves sleep

The natural melatonin found in grapes contributes to longer and better sleep. Good sleep, in turn, lowers the risk of developing many serious diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and obesity, and significantly improves cognitive function, mood and well-being.

Promotes digestive health

The fibre and water in grapes help maintain normal gastrointestinal function, and polyphenols have a positive effect on intestinal bacteria, which are very important for digestion, immunity, and the brain. However, eating grapes too often is not a good idea, as it contains a lot of sugar and is a strong allergen.

Protects eyesight

Lutein and zeaxanthin contained in grapes protect the retina and lens of the eye and prevent the development of macular degeneration and cataracts – the most common eye diseases.

Also, these substances increase the visual range of the human eye and reduce the discomfort caused by bright sunlight or artificial light.

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