Ariana makes her tattoo worse: “Japanese BBQ finger”

The American singer Ariana Grande (25) had her new Japanese tattoo corrected because of a writing error… or that was the intention. Instead, she made it much worse.

Originally, with Japanese characters, Grande wanted to have the title of her hit single ‘7 Rings’ tattooed in her hand. When she published the photo of a new tattoo on her Japanese Twitter account on Wednesday, she got a lot of ridicule from internet users. They wrote that the signs did not mean ‘7 Rings’, but ‘small charcoal grill’.

The singer had admitted in between that there were some signs missing in her tattoo. She took the correction with the necessary humour. “RIP, tiny charcoal grill”, she wrote on Instagram. And further: “I miss you man. I actually really liked u”.

Too bad for Ariana, her effort was of no avail. The inscription on her hand is still wrong, because now there is ‘Japanese BBQ finger’, so her Japanese fans know. The singer gets more and more criticism about her choice. “Why do you even put a tattoo in a language that you do not speak?” It sounds. Or: “This is your punishment because you are trying to use a culture as an accessory.”

©Instagram – New tattoo Ariana Grande
First Ariana’s tattoo before correction

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