Atychiphobia: how do I overcome the fear of not being able to achieve anything

At some point in their lives, everyone considers how to be successful. Furthermore, in most cases, the commonly held concept of success emerges in mind: profession and material values. This is unsurprising, given how often people emphasize the need to fulfil oneself and demonstrate what one is capable of to society.

You can make clear plans for your life and even firmly pursue your objectives. This isn’t to say you won’t be concerned about a potential failure. The idea that your success isn’t assured eats at you from the inside out.

We’ve compiled a list of strategies to help you overcome the fear and remove the worry and unneeded tension of not being able to achieve anything.

1. Do what you want without looking for deep meaning in it

We are taught from a young age that success in any endeavour is critical. Most people believe that doing something similar for enjoyment, money, or health is weird. If you don’t desire to produce amazing achievements, prove something to others, or become the first in your industry, it’s a waste of time and effort.

Stop attempting to find deep meaning in everything you do. Sometimes, you need a happy pastime or a well-paying career to make your dreams come true. And there’s nothing wrong with the fact that you won’t be competing for the title or aspiring to be a first-class professional.

Take it easy on yourself when it comes to spending your time. Finally, start slowing down when you start to get concerned about how much money you’ve spent. You can’t devote all of your time and energy to reaching a single objective; otherwise, you’ll quickly lose motivation to do anything else.

2. Prioritize quality over quantity

Setting too many goals can easily lead to deception, especially if the bulk of them fall short of your genuine desires and needs. You can start chasing ticks on your to-do list rather than having a comfortable and happy life.

You don’t have to convince yourself that you must continually achieve some targets to succeed. On the contrary, the more of them you have, the more tired you will become, the less attention you will pay to certain things, and the more likely you will make mistakes. The quality of your job suffers significantly, preventing you from achieving the required goals. So pay attention to how well the activities were accomplished rather than how many goals you reached.

3. Expect to be less productive on some days than on others

When you discover that you have varied power and energy every day, the fear that you will not achieve anything in life can arise. You can do all of your work tasks for the week today, go to the gym, and schedule an evening appointment, but you’ll hardly get out of bed tomorrow. Your entire existence is filled with energy and motivation, ups and downs. Even if you try your hardest, you won’t be able to tackle the same amount of work every day.

Furthermore, you must provide yourself with quality rest to retain the basic level of resources to complete the duties allocated to you effectively. You must get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night, eat nutritious foods, exercise regularly, relax, and shift your focus from job to personal life. It’s no surprise if you’re exhausted and dissatisfied with your talents if you’re constantly worried about fixing a large number of problems and don’t give yourself a rest even on weekends.

4. Don’t be afraid of achieving your goals

Surprisingly, your fear of failing in life and the belief that it will happen is often a disguised fear of succeeding. When your life changes, you are unsure of what to do. Perhaps achieving your goals will require you to relocate, say goodbye to family and friends, work longer hours, or take on challenges you are not physically or mentally prepared for.

So think about it: is there anything about your chances of achievement that makes you anxious? It will be easier for you to detect the problem and begin to address it if you can highlight one or more points. Yes, it will be inconvenient, but it will be far more problematic to obstruct your achievement.

5. Erase the feeling of being late

Many people in your life have achieved great success at an early age. You may believe that your dreams have a shelf life and that you will no longer wish to strive for anything in 5, 10, or 20 years. But take it easy: you’re not running late. You don’t have to rush through your five-year action plan in a single year. As a result, you will not obtain the desired outcome. Burnout, a constant sensation of anxiety, the most extreme tension, and, as a result, disappointment in yourself and your goals are all on the horizon.

6. Stop evaluating yourself based on your achievements

Ask yourself what will happen in your life if you do not achieve. It’s doubtful that others would regard you as a loser, that relatives and friends will abandon you, and that you will lose value. You are liked and admired for who you are, not for what you have accomplished, not for your well-known work, not for owning your apartment or car, and certainly not for the amount on your credit card each month. Much more essential are your characteristics, behaviors, and view on life.

Stop evaluating yourself based on your achievements. Success does not automatically make you better or worse. You will remain the same for those who matter to you in any case.

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