Things you shouldn’t change because of the criticism of others

Criticism is a valuable tool that may and should be used for the development of an individual. Many of your weaknesses are much more immediately obvious from the outside looking in. You can considerably speed your growth, work out flaws, and believe in yourself if you listen to the suggestions and opinions of others and use them as motivation. However, there are some things that you should never change due to the criticism of other people. We’ve gathered several such examples.

9 things you shouldn’t change because of the criticism of others

1. Your appearance

Things you shouldn't change because of the criticism of others

It is important that you dress in a manner that you are comfortable and take pleasure in. Forget about what other people say about you if your appearance does not cause harm to anyone else; for instance, if going around naked does not cause mental damage to anyone, you should disregard what they say. Other people may have different ideas on what the appearance of the typical man ought to be like. But it would help if you didn’t worry about how other people feel; that’s their problem, not yours.

Do what you like. You can wear jackets and pants or T-shirts with torn jeans; you can choose to dye your hair or not; you can shave or grow a beard, and you can choose to accessorize your look with jewellery and accessories or not. No matter what you decide, you will not become better or worse as a result of it, and it will in no way give people the right to mistreat you.

People who are preoccupied with how you appear and make any attempt to restrict your freedom of expression, people who are afraid to express themselves and are driven purely by jealousy, and people who are overly self-centred and want everyone around them to behave as they do are examples of these types of people.

2. Life goals

You don’t have to change the goals you have set for your life just because another person was unhappy with them. It is vital to surviving this life according to your desires and the emotions you experience. You are the only person who truly understands the goals that should guide your actions. Indeed, the people around you are always trying to prove their expertise on some issue, perhaps to emphasize that they have more life experience or are older than you do and understand things better than you do.

Do not hold it against them that they attempt to push their viewpoint. There are situations when this is done merely for the benefits it offers. However, it would help if you still tried to make every decision independently. You will be able to shield yourself from any potential regrets that may arise in the future owing to this.

3. Set priorities

If you have already decided on your priorities, you shouldn’t change them just because someone comments to you about them. Every one of us has a unique set of life goals, and based on these goals, we decide what aspects of our lives are the most significant to us. If you are certain that your family comes first for you, do not let your friends who are focused on their careers convince you otherwise, and on the other hand, do not give up your career in favour of doing something else. You’ll likely feel a lot of regret over it later.

The examples are, of course, extremely mundane because we can discuss a variety of various concerns. You can place your physical and mental well-being at the forefront of your priorities, emphasizing the importance of pleasure and enjoyment in your life or working toward a more measured and peaceful life. The people who are important to you should disagree with your decision, but they should respect it anyway.

4. Personal attitude

Things you shouldn't change because of the criticism of others

On its own and in concept, the human personality is a fascinating phenomenon, and so are the relationships we have with other people. When looking at one individual, some people will see a good worker and a valued worker; when looking at another, some will see a carefree guy covered in tattoos and piercings; and still, others will see an open and kind neighbour. Because of the many aspects that make up a person’s personality, it is impossible to know with absolute confidence standing in front of you until you get to know them better.

Because of this, you should never change how you feel about a person solely because another person has expressed disapproval of that person. Remember one important fact: people frequently show their concerns to others, misinterpret their conduct, and evaluate others based on their appearance or initial impression of them. Do not allow other people to plant seeds of doubt in your mind if you already know that the person with whom you are communicating is trustworthy and treats you with respect. At the very least, without supplying any substantial evidence.

5. Principles

Many people indeed find it difficult to have a conversation with someone who has their own set of values. In particular, when someone strictly sticks to them. Most people have the impression, for some unknown reason, that there ought to be exceptions in any and every circumstance. They can put pressure on the fact that you are too definite, too moral, that communication with you is difficult, and so on. You don’t need to make compromises and give up your own beliefs and what you truly believe in. When you finally come to terms with the fact that you have caved in response to the criticism of others, you won’t respect yourself nearly as much. Continue to act by your principles, but don’t anticipate that everyone around you will understand and approve of this.

6. Standards established

You are aware of what you are willing to tolerate and what you are not willing to accept under any circumstances. This is a perfectly normal reaction, as it is how individuals guard themselves against being let down and eliminate unnecessary unpleasantness from their lives. However, not everyone is aware that you are not compelled to accept less than you deserve, overlook the transgressions of others, or put up with harsh treatment from yourself. You won’t be able to convince anyone of anything, so all you can do is keep defending yourself and your comfort level to the best of your ability.

7. Emotional states

It is very necessary to put some distance between yourself and the impact of public opinion so that your feelings do not become vulnerable to the judgment of another person. It is entirely up to you to decide how you will respond to any given situation. And it depends on a lot of other things, like how you see the world, the qualities you have as a person, and other things like that. Don’t let other people tell you how you should or shouldn’t feel; decide those things for yourself. This will almost certainly result in undesirable outcomes.

8. Attitude toward yourself to others

It is important not to let the criticism of others change how you feel about yourself. Ignore their actions even if they accuse you of liking yourself too much and demanding respect from others simply for doing so. They may brand you an egoist, an overconfident person, or even accuse you of loving yourself too much. People frequently use the term “selfishness” to refer to something that is, in reality, a respectful attitude towards themselves, the proper priority, and the desire to make themselves happy.

It is preferable to let other people think of you as an arrogant, self-assured person rather than risk having your self-esteem fall to an unacceptable level. You should continue to prioritize your own needs and interests, but you should also be prepared that this will make other people unhappy.

9. Hobbies

Things you shouldn't change because of the criticism of others

Continue in the same manner with whatever you are doing (with the everlasting condition that it should not cause harm to anyone else). Who gives a damn about how you choose to spend your spare time? You can go fishing, paint drawings, glue model aeroplanes together, practice for sports competitions, or even stitch a cross on your shirt. It makes no difference in how old you are or where you get your salary.

You are free to choose how you will spend your time off. Keep in mind that a contented individual who is pleased with his life would not waste his time critiquing what you enjoy doing in your spare time. Even if he does not share your interests, likely, he will not comment on them. However, you will be mocked by people who, for whatever reason, are unable to achieve what they want, who have internal constraints, or who are too shy to pursue their hobbies.

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