Bill Murray applies for job in Asian restaurant: “fun to work there”

Bill Murray (69) is a man who continues to amaze. The actor already has a serious track record with more than sixty films to his name, but now and then he feels like something else. A job in an Asian restaurant, for example. That’s what the actor disclosed in the podcast ‘3 Girls, One Keith’ by comedian Amy Schumer (38).
Bill Murray made the extraordinary confession in the podcast ‘3 Girls, One Keith’ by Amy Schumer. “I filled in an application form at PF Chang’s (an Asian restaurant chain, ed.) At Atlanta airport, because I think that is really one of the best restaurants,” he admitted. “Just to work there. It really seems that the employees enjoy working at PF Chang’s.”
The actor did not have to wait long for an answer, because not long after the podcast went online, a message appeared on the official Twitter account of the restaurant chain. “Bill, you were hired!” It read. “When can you start?” PF Chang’s head of marketing told Tana Davila that they have not yet found Murray’s application form. “But we have decided to offer him the job anyway. We have seen his work and think he is a promising wok chef.”
Whether you can actually see the actor working in the kitchen of the restaurant in Atlanta soon remains to be seen.