Billie Eilish accused of racism again

Billie Eilish takes another hit on social media. The storm surrounding the first accusation of racism has barely passed when the ‘Bad Guy’ singer is already being accused of it again. This time because in an old interview, she reveals who her favorite cartoon character is.

Billie Eilish recently received a lot of criticism after a TikTok video of her appeared in which she uses an insulting word for Asians and seems to imitate an accent. The singer claimed she was thirteen or fourteen years old when the video was made and has since apologized profusely.

In doing so, she claimed that she did not realize at the time that it was offensive. “Regardless of my ignorance and age at the time, nothing excuse the fact that it was hurtful. And I regret that,” she said.

However, Eilish has again discredited now that an old video of her resurfaces with a racist undertone. In it, she says that her favorite cartoon character is Cindy from ‘The Boondocks’. “Cindy, I would be if I did all the things I set out to do,” Eilish explains.

Those who do not know ‘The Boondocks’ and therefore do not link to the accusations: ‘The Boondocks’ is a sitcom written by a black screenwriter, which is full of jokes about the black community. Eilish’s favorite character, Cindy, is a white girl who is known for using a “blaccent” and has interests in stereotypically black things.

Many fans, therefore, find it inappropriate, and even racist, for Eilish to compare herself to Cindy. “The show is literally based on black stereotypes that make black people laugh… Cindy’s entire character pretends to be black, so the fact that she’s comparing herself to those is a little disturbing,” one wrote. Others find the allegations far-fetched and exaggerated.

Eilish has not yet commented on the criticism.

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