British aristocrat (72) seeks young woman/housekeeper to give heir

The 72-year-old eccentric British millionaire and aristocrat Sir Benjamin Slade is looking for a woman who wants to give birth to his heir.

The man, a distant descendant of the old King Charles II, has a list of bizarre demands that his ‘future’ must meet, but hopes to throw his credit card into the battle, but still be able to snare a younger woman. The man told his story to the stunned presenters of Good Morning Britain.

A year ago, the British millionaire and aristocrat, who lives in a large thirteenth-century castle near Somerset, started his search for a younger partner. “I need an heir, and also one reserve,” says Slade, who prefers sons, although girls may “if need be”.

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The woman in question does not necessarily have to fall on Slade and is the best lesbian. However, she must be able to stand her ground on the firing range and, in addition to her driving license, have a pilot license to fly with helicopters. Moreover, she must, therefore, be prepared to produce an heir. The last hard condition is, therefore, its age: it must be between thirty and forty years, the ‘fertile years’, according to Slade

If she has experience with running a castle (Slade possesses no less than two), then that is completely nice, just like a background in accounting. “A good wife is an extra good deal: that saves you the costs of a housekeeper. A woman who runs the house and produces an heir: these are two birds in one fell swoop!”


In the end, Slade is not only an heir but also the company and the “common interests” that he could share with a possible partner. “I have also adjusted my tactics,” says the millionaire, who has been looking for a suitable woman for a year. With previous ‘candidates’ it did not click, some were too old to start children or did not want that anymore.

“I now say that it’s all about romance and I throw my credit card into the fight so that they can go shopping until they drop”, explains the millionaire on his changed tactics. “I want to take her to exotic places and I love nice meals and secret holidays. That is my approach now.”

In any case, the 72-year old aristocrat thinks he is ready for the future since he has “had a very nice life, but never had his own family”. “Because of my age, I am not eligible to adopt a child,” he says dryly.

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