Buzzard attacked his head thrice, even when he changes walk route

Luc Janssen (56) from Ternat, an avid runner, has been attacked three times in the last month by a buzzard. The bird of prey planted its claws in Luc’s head, causing him to bleed heavily. “In the end, it looked worse than it was, but it’s really scary when such a beast attacks you. There’s no way you can hear or see it coming.”
Luc Janssen works as an engineer at Electrabel but after his working hours, he is a gifted runner. As many as three times a week, in the company of his hound, he walks a few kilometers along Field roads and green landscapes. “This is a small tour that I regularly ran in the parish of Wambeek,” says the man. “I had already seen a buzzard last month, but every time I came closer, it flew away. For a few weeks now, I noticed that the bird was becoming more aggressive.”
Luc’s fixed running trail includes a field road with some tall trees along the side. “It was there that the buzzard suddenly attacked me. I was walking quietly when the buzzard hit me. I didn’t see or hear anything coming but suddenly it felt like someone was knocking on my head with a wooden stick. At first, I thought a branch had fallen on my head, but when I looked up a few seconds later I saw the buzzard sitting just above me in the tree. Only then did I realize that the beast had attacked me. I immediately felt the blood running down my neck.”
Luc rushed to the Ranger who lives just down the street. “He looked at the wound and saw clearly that the Buzzard had put his claws in my head. A head injury immediately bleeds hard. First I cleaned the wound with water and then I walked home. My wife is a dentist and has experience in disinfecting wounds. She treated the head wound so the firm scratches wouldn’t have to be stitched.”
Asphalt road
From now on, Luc will take a different walk route. “But also when I was walking on the asphalt road in the neighborhood, the Buzzard attacked me a few more times,” he says. “I read somewhere that you should put sunglasses upside down on your head. That way, the bird thinks you’re looking at him because of buzzard attacks from behind. From now on I put those sunglasses on my head backward (laughs). And since yesterday, I’ve brought a branch with a lot of leaves. When I’m in the territory of the Buzzard, I hold that branch over my head.”

“I don’t really care about the pain or the scratches,” Luc continues. “It is mainly the surprise effect of that bird that impressed me. When I am walking, and I see a pigeon flying up, I am immediately on my guard (laughs). Because even though you are vigilant and you know that a buzzard is nearby, you really do not hear or see that bird approaching.”
“Many people also think that a bird, even if it is a large specimen, is a feather-soft animal. But if such a bird of prey falls on your head, then that is really a serious blow.”