Circus Tigers grind Italian performer, play with his corpse

One of the world’s top athletes, during the rehearsal for a circus performance in Italy, was killed by his own predators. Less than 30 minutes before the show, Ettore Weber was crushed between the jaws of four Tigers.
Circo Marina Monti Orfei, as the circus is called, Where Weber performed with his big cats, arrived on June 15 in Bari in the southeast of Italy. The 61-year-old predator inhibitor, known as one of the largest in the trade, was supposed to exhibit its arts until July 14, but the striped foursome clearly had a different opinion.
With half an hour to go, Ettore rehearsed Thursday’s show. However, one of the Tigers knocked him to the ground, after which the other three dived on top of him. Weber tried to free himself from the grasp of the tigers, but they didn’t give him a chance. They bit him to death and tore him to pieces.
According to La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Webers’ colleagues tried to drive the animals away but in vain. In addition, eyewitnesses used fire extinguishers, but they did not do much good either. In front of the helpless circus workers, the animals played with Webers’ mutilated bodies for at least half an hour.
Only when the Tigers were back in their cages, and all the help was too late, could one get to the lifeless dullard. Paramedics found Weber succumbed to a series of serious injuries, including his spine. The circus world is shocked by his death.

Bari police have started an investigation into Weber’s death and are trying to identify the events that led to the attack. It is still uncertain whether the performances of Circo ofrei, one of Italy’s most famous circuses, will continue after the drama. The Tigers and four other predators have been seized and taken to a zoo.