Diogenes syndrome: tips to deal with hoarding

The craving for hoarding is most often expressed in the desire to surround yourself with many useless, unnecessary things. Sometimes this habit can develop into serious insanity. We tell more about Diogenes syndrome and how to deal with it in the article.

What is Diogenes syndrome?

Diogenes syndrome: tips to deal with hoarding

With the personality of the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes, this syndrome is indirectly connected. Despite his fame, Diogenes led a rather marginal lifestyle, ignoring social norms and passion for savings.

People with severe Diogenes syndrome may show gross disregard for themselves and the household. They lead a rather secluded life and often fall into a depressive state. Usually, the syndrome begins to manifest itself after 50 years actively, but in some cases, complications may occur even earlier. To get the latest stories, install our app here

Why is hoarding dangerous?

Diogenes syndrome: tips to deal with hoarding

Possession of unnecessary things makes a person a hostage to his weaknesses and, over time, provokes self-hatred more and more sharply. The craving for hoarding makes people immerse themselves in memories of the past and makes it difficult to concentrate on the present. This syndrome can also provoke depression and lead to withdrawal and asociality.

What causes the development of Diogenes syndrome

It is believed that women most often suffer from hoarding, as they are more interested in home improvement and buying household and other things. Below are some of the main reasons that can cause the development of Diogenes syndrome:

1. Psychological attachment

Many people cannot force themselves to get rid of unnecessary things, as they cause certain associations in them. Of course, you shouldn’t get rid of a sweet gift from your beloved grandmother, but it’s also harmful to become psychologically attached to every little thing.

2. Fear of poverty

Peniaphobia – a strong fear of poverty – is most often experienced by people who have already experienced serious financial problems at some point in their lives. The fear of returning to this state again forces them to accumulate things that can come in handy in difficult times. To get the latest stories, install our app here

3. Passion for antiques

Diogenes syndrome: tips to deal with hoarding

Many people, confident that their old clothes will someday come back into fashion, have stored outdated models of dresses, hats, and other wardrobe and household items on the mezzanine for years. The cyclicality of fashion is sometimes really amazing, but more often than not, a faded dress or frayed jeans are never walked out again.

4. False housekeeping

Sometimes, people accumulate old broken things in the house to someday breathe new life into them. The garbage accumulated over the years gradually begins to displace the house owner. It often never comes to repairing an old clock, a broken vase, or an old service.

How to deal with hoarding

As a rule, to get rid of the problem, you must first identify the causes that provoke it. Below are a few options on how to overcome the passion for hoarding. To get the latest stories, install our app here

1. Understand why you need to get rid of the accumulated things

Diogenes syndrome: tips to deal with hoarding

If you decide to change your life, first of all, make a list that will spell out why you will feel better if you get rid of a bad habit. Think about whether it will help you recharge your energy and new ideas. Also, appreciate the practical benefits of getting rid of trash: the house will become more spacious, neater, and more comfortable.

2. Start decluttering from a certain place

To declutter the space, you need to draw up a clear plan of action. Don’t try to clean the whole house at once. This will only provoke severe fatigue and burnout.

Start in your room or just your workspace. Gradually increase the scale, trying to get rid of large and small unnecessary items. To get the latest stories, install our app here

3. Decide where to put unnecessary things

If you feel sorry for throwing things in the trash, take a picture of them and post them on specialized classified sites. So you can get rid of unnecessary items and earn some money. You can also look for charity projects where your things could be useful.

4. Stop buying new things for a while

To clutter up the space, you need to stop buying new clothes, appliances, and other things, at least for a while. Before acquiring a new wardrobe or household items, think about how much you need them. And if there is an opportunity to delay buying them, do it.

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If your friends, colleagues, and relatives are used to giving you all sorts of trinkets, do not forget to warn them that you have begun a new stage in your life and are no longer collecting unnecessary things.

Note* Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional for any questions you may have about your health or condition. Never disregard a health care professional’s advice or delay getting it because of what you read on this website.
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