Excuses that you use when you don’t see value in your goals

It’s easy to blame external circumstances for not working to achieve what you want when, in fact, the root of the problem lies in yourself. You can deny that you don’t see the value in your goals. This happens for various reasons: social pressure, other people’s expectations, the desire to please someone, the desire to be successful like everyone else, and so on.

It’s easy to understand that you don’t see value in some goals. This is immediately revealed by your excuses, which you use to avoid implementing them. Here are a few of the most common ones.

10-excuses you use to dismiss your ambitions

1. You convince yourself that you don’t have time for this

Classics of the genre. Time is the most valuable resource, and we always find it for what is truly important. Analyze your day by calculating your time on social media, watching videos, checking notifications, or other useless activities. If you say you don’t have time to achieve a goal, you’re putting it lower on your list of priorities. So, if it’s much more critical to scroll through the news feed or leave your mom’s friends, ask yourself if you’re ready to work on the task. Most likely, you’re downplaying its value.

2. Are you sure that now is not the right time

The universe will never provide you with perfect circumstances to realize your idea. You will always face distractions, and there will always be various obstacles in your way. Waiting for the perfect moment is just postponing the inevitable collision with reality. You either want something badly enough to act on it right now, or you don’t. If you constantly think about the “wrong time,” perhaps the goal is not desirable for you.

3. You’re saying that you lack the necessary knowledge and skills

The lack of necessary knowledge and skills is an excellent reason for inaction. At first glance, the excuse sounds logical — you need to wait, gain experience, contact people well-versed in the topic, and so on. But let’s be honest: in the Internet age, access to knowledge is open. Almost any information can be found online, and skills can be acquired by putting knowledge into practice. If you want to achieve your goal, you will find a way to fill in the gaps. If not, then it’s just another excuse.

4. You say you don’t have any money

Money is often presented as the main obstacle to achieving a goal, but in most cases, it’s just an excuse for indecision. There are various ways to circumvent financial restrictions: crowdfunding, barter, partnership, search for free resources, business loans, loans from relatives and friends, etc. If desired, you can find ways to finance your current situation. If you don’t want to consider such prospects and give up on your goal in advance, then it’s probably not worth the effort you’ve put in.

5. Are you sure you’re going to fail?

Fear of failure is a powerful deterrent. It paralyzes and forces you to stay in your comfort zone for a long, tormented by various negative scenarios born in your imagination. But if the goal is fundamental to you, then fear ceases to be an insurmountable obstacle. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M . For the full article. Despite your concerns, you will work hard and prepare to achieve the desired result. If fear constantly gets the better of you, it can be assumed that the price of success seems too high compared to its value.

6. You’re saying that you’re too tired

Think about what you’re getting tired of. If this feeling is caused by an unloved job or other activities that do not satisfy you, then working on the desired goal, on the contrary, can give you strength and help restore your energy reserve. It doesn’t inspire you if you can’t find the resources to implement your idea. Most likely, you overestimated its importance, and your fatigue only confirms this. When a person is interested in something, he gets a second wind, and returning home after work, he begins to take active action.

7. You convince yourself that this is too difficult for you

Of course, if the goal is worthwhile, it may not be easily achievable. But it is precisely such aspirations that bring the greatest satisfaction. If you’re looking for an easy way, you’re most likely not chasing results, changes, or realizing your idea but short-term pleasure. Remember that only those goals you can achieve through overcoming difficulties have actual value. If you are not ready for problems, the goal does not attract you strongly enough.

8. You’re saying you don’t have any support

Support is important, but it should not be a prerequisite. People, even those closest to you, don’t have to support you in your endeavors constantly. If you say you need help moving forward and achieving what you want, you probably lack confidence that you’ve set the right goal. The actual state of affairs is this: if you believe in your dream, you will overcome all obstacles, even if no one supports you. Moreover, by your example, you will inspire others and show them that nothing is impossible.

9. You say you don’t know where to start

Instead of trying to divide an enormous task into several small ones, make a plan, and break it down into separate steps, you are uncertain. You say you don’t know where to start, so you don’t do anything. But you can always take the first step, commit a simple act, or make a decision that will bring you closer to achieving the desired result. Even if creating a plan makes it difficult for you, the goal may seem too abstract and has no value.

10. You are convinced that no one believes in you

Faith in yourself is more important than the faith of others in your abilities and abilities. If you doubt your skills and the value of the result you strive for, it is unsurprising that other people remain indifferent to your aspirations. Make sure that you believe in what you are doing. Only in this case will you be able to change the attitude of others towards your goals. If no one believes in you but, at the same time, you are confident in yourself and will achieve what you want, then go ahead without looking around.

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