Exodus continues: female bodyguard Meghan Markle also resigns

Once again, someone from the personal court of Meghan Markle resigned. That reports the newspaper The Sunday Times.

It is already one of the many prominent members of staff in a few months to get out of the court of the Duchess of Sussex, who has already been given the nickname ‘Duchess Difficult’.

It concerns the female bodyguard of the duchess. She had been in service for less than a year and was in the picture during the visit of Meghan and Harry to Fiji in October. She took action when a safety risk suddenly arose when visiting a local market.

Very restrictive
The inspector – whose name is not disclosed for security reasons – is a member of Scotland Yard and would also leave the Corps. According to a source at the police, there would be no personal dispute at the root of the dismissal, but the “strict security” for the American actress can feel “very restrictive”, “in contrast to someone who grew up at court”.

“Even when she was a well-known actress, she could go where she wanted”, it sounds. “But in her new role she cannot go anywhere without her security team and that is very restrictive for someone like her.” However, some view the dismissal as a worrying trend, according to The Sunday Times. Because the bodyguard is not the first to leave. Melissa Touabti – the personal assistant of Meghan Markle – threw the towel last month after six months of service. Touabti would have said she had to “endure a lot”.

Among other things, the woman played an important role in the preparation of the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan. According to the British tabloid The Sun, prince Harry would have warned about the attitude and behaviour of Markle before the wedding. He would like to have received a certain tiara but not from the Queen. And her request for air fresheners against the “stale” smell in the St George Chappel – where the Queen always goes to church – got a net.

Samantha Cohen – the personal secretary of Meghan and Harry – also announced that she is heading for the exit. She would stay until the child of Meghan and Harry is born, in the spring. Cohen worked for 17 years at the court, including for the Queen, and was in the service of the couple since May last year.

Initially on a temporary basis – she had to teach Meghan, among other things, the etiquette of the court – but when Meghan indicated that she wanted to take Cohen full-time, she thanked the latter for the honour.

Insiders in the palace told the British tabloids last month that Markle in the meantime got the nickname ‘Duchess Difficult’ because of her “dictatorial” behaviour and exuberant demands.

The Sunday Times, The Sun
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