Father of 9 children missing after wife gives birth to 4 new babies

The birth of a child is a step that creates a situation of consolidation in the home. The child is the fruit of the love between two people who have decided to walk together. However, sometimes the arrival of a child is not well received because of the couple’s situation.

We don’t know if it’s a kidnapping or a runaway. But what is certain is that after the man’s wife gave birth, and the good news broke out to his ear, the man disappeared from the radar.

According to information reported by the Nigerian media, this happened in the state of Edo in Benin City. A father of 5 children left his family after his wife gave birth to 4 new babies, making it nine children.

A father of 9 children reported missing

Rita Ndibidu (the man’s wife) gave birth on Saturday, January 2, 2021. She had a normal delivery, and she gave birth to 4 beautiful babies. When the news was announced to the father, he was shocked; because the woman had already given birth to twins and triplets before.

Having heard about the man’s non-appearance, an internet user named Sarah Az Izevbigie decided to launch an appeal on social networks to raise funds to support the lady.

She wrote:

“Children are gifts from God. And these marvelous creatures are not exempt, whatever the current situation. Mrs. Rita Ndibisu, a mother of 5 children, gave birth yesterday to 4 beautiful babies (quadruplets) at the Nomayo General Hospital on the Upper Sakponba Road in Benin city, Edo state.”

“Unfortunately, her husband is missing. She needs my help and that of all, Nigerians. Nappies, baby food, baby clothes, wipes, the money will be much appreciated as her hospital bill is still outstanding.”

This is a noble gesture by this Internet user. We hope that the Nigerian people will come to the aid of this mother of nine children.

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