Father shares cute photos of his son behaving like an adult

Matt McMillan is the name of a father who has become popular on the web for sharing photos of his son a few months old, but who does things of “adult”.

The baby, Ryan, was born nine weeks before the term in July 2018 and weighed 1kg36. Ryan had to stay in neonatal intensive care for six weeks before he could return home.

His parents decided it was better for them to joke about his untimely birth by saying he may have been a bit advanced for his age. With a sense of humour, they dress him up and give him the impression of doing what adults do normally. The result of the images were striking and shared more than 100,000 times.

According the post, his father wrote: “Ryan was born nine weeks before the term and was hospitalized for the first six weeks of his life,” Matt said.

He continues, “my wife and I like to joke that he is not premature, but just advanced, hence this idea. She helped me in everything. one of us keeps him in different positions, then I just take a picture, so it looks like he’s doing it alone.”

“I find the normal new-born photographs a bit boring, so I thought I’d spice them up a bit that way.”

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