Five effective ways to get rid of itching after sunburn

Even though summer hasn’t arrived, there has been hot and sunny weather for some weeks in some regions. This means that many people began to sunbathe and even swim, and therefore get sunburn. But how do you get off the itching after sunburn?

Severe sunburn not only looks terrible, but it usually also itches terribly. This itching is associated with damage to the top layer of the skin, which contains many sensitive nerve endings.

If you are sunburned and ready to climb a wall from severe itching, here are some easy ways to get rid of it.

1. Cold compress

Five effective ways to get rid of itching after sunburn

For sunburn, it is essential to cool the burnt skin as quickly as possible to reduce inflammation. Therefore, the sooner you apply a cold compress to the affected skin, the less unpleasant burn symptoms such as itching will be.

Making a compress is easy enough: take a few ice cubes, place them in a plastic bag, wrap them in a clean towel or soft cloth and apply them to the burned skin. If ice is not accessible, you can use a bag of frozen vegetables or berries.

2. Cool shower or bath

Five effective ways to get rid of itching after sunburn

A cool shower or bath can also help relieve itching and inflammation after sunburn. But do not stay in the shower for too long, otherwise, dry out the skin

, and soon it will begin to peel off. Also, do not use soap. Instead, it is better to wash with products with the addition of oat extract: it moisturizes well and reduces itching.

3. Moisturizing cream

Five effective ways to get rid of itching after sunburn

After you’ve cooled your skin, use a moisturizer. It will reduce inflammation, help prevent flaking, and repair the skin. You can also use a special treatment for sunburn, for example, with the addition of panthenol.

4. Anti-inflammatory drugs

Five effective ways to get rid of itching after sunburn

Another effective way to reduce the symptoms of inflammation after sunburn is by taking NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or antihistamines. They will help relieve itching, pain, and redness on the skin. But it is essential to remember that medications have contraindications and side effects, so you should consult your doctor before using them.

5. Aloe vera

Five effective ways to get rid of itching after sunburn

Aloe vera perfectly moisturizes and relieves inflammation. Some aloe gels also contain magnesium lactate, which prevents the production of histamine and significantly reduces itching. In addition, aloe vera stimulates collagen production, which promotes faster skin healing.

Note* Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional for any questions you may have about your health or condition. Never disregard a health care professional’s advice or delay getting it because of what you read on this website.
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