For these cool things, you finally have time after a dismissal

A dismissal may mean the end of your current work situation, but not the end of the world. Suddenly a lot of time is released.

The logical reasoning is to immediately look for other work, but – If the finances allow it – there are other options.

Back to school

If you are fired, this may mean that there is no complete match with the company you were working for, or perhaps that the position you hold is not quite right for you. In the latter case, it is useful to take the time to think carefully about yourself and your future career. Perhaps it shows that it is advisable to reorient yourself.

If you discover that you want to take a new direction, additional training or retraining is needed. Fortunately, there are many ways to study at a later age. Depending on the switch you want to make, you can opt for a short course, but also for evening classes. Or why not immediately take a full-time day course, if there is time?
Tip: If you have been dismissed or you want to resign, you must take into account a notice period.

Own business

You would not be the first to take a dismissal and then start for yourself. Being your own boss is certainly not always easy and you will undoubtedly have to work hard (er), but there are also quite a lot of advantages. You have the freedom to plan your workdays yourself, see 100 percent of your work and reap the benefits.

Finally on a world trip

Nobody says that you have to fly back in immediately after dismissal. Perhaps you can make an (old) dream come true with the released time and just go on a trip. Taking your suitcase to that dream destination will not be a waste of time anyway, it can even open new doors. After all, traveling often leads to fresh, crucial insights about yourself and your work situation.

For these cool things, you finally have time after a dismissal

In the meantime, you meet new people and you also discover other cultures and ways of life. That temporary distance can later prove useful to get your professional life back on track.

Family time

Are you not a world traveler, but a real family beast? Why not just stay home for a while and take care of children and household? Financially, that, of course, means a step back, even if you save some costs for childcare and/or domestic help, but many people choose very consciously, for example, if they have very small children.


Another option is just taking time for yourself: resting, spending time with friends, hobbies, fiddling… When your batteries are fully charged again, you can start applying with a fresher mood. The chance that you will successfully complete your applications will, therefore, be much greater than if you start overstrained and exhausted in your search.

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