Gruesome: Animal lovers save dog completely covered with tar

Gruesome! That is the least you can say about these images. A dog wholly covered with tar. The beast lay on a wasteland in the city of Libertad in Argentina, glued to the asphalt. Fortunately, residents, firefighters, and volunteers managed to unite the four-legged friend. It required 9 hours of non-stop work, 50 liters of oil and three baths.

Did the unfortunate creature itself find its way into a tar pit? Was she poured with tar by a miscreant or thrown into the well? It is guessing what exactly happened to the animal. However, the seriousness of the situation was immediately apparent. The dog couldn’t move a millimeter because of the sticky stuff. She was trapped in the filth for a sure death.

Gruesome: Animal lovers save dog completely covered with tar
©Proyecto 4 Patas – The volunteers of Proyecto 4 Patas worked together with the neighbors and the fire brigade to get Aloe off the ground.


But the quadruped – baptized ‘Aloe’ – was still alive. Desperately she gasped for breath. Playing children from the neighborhood found her last week after they had heard dogs barking heavily. Curious, they had come to take a look, only to suddenly find the heap of misery.

The children walked home to inform their parents. They called in the fire brigade, which, following a call on Facebook, found extra helping hands with the volunteers of the animal organization ‘Proyecto 4 Patas’.


“It was terrible”, the organization writes on Facebook.

“The dog was completely petrified and stuck to the ground. One hundred percent of her body had hardened. Her ears, her mouth … everything. We had never seen this before. But we knew what we had to do: put everything to free the dog from this nightmare.”

Gruesome: Animal lovers save dog completely covered with tar
©Proyecto 4 Patas – Eventually the beast came loose.

The volunteers first had to work on the spot. With the help of the fire brigade and the residents, who came running with oil on buses, Aloe got rid of the ground after a long struggle.


Then the volunteers took Aloe to their headquarters, where another hour of hard work with liters and liters of oil followed to get rid of the mess. “Every layer of tar that we were able to scrape off her brought us closer to her true face,” Proyecto 4 Patas says.

The dog turned out to have a sweet face, so relieved of all the bastards. And luckily, she also appeared to be in good health. “Aloe, you are a brave dog, a warrior, a wonderful survivor,” writes the NGO. “Your second birth will be full of love and care,” she promises.

After Aloe was finally released, the volunteers took her.
©Proyecto 4 Patas – After Aloe was finally released, the volunteers took her.
The race against the clock continued in their own building.
©Proyecto 4 Patas – The race against the clock continued in their own building.
Eight volunteers do everything to get rid of the tar.
©Proyecto 4 Patas – Eight volunteers do everything to get rid of the tar.
After liters of oil and several baths of soap, the end came.
©Proyecto 4 Patas – After liters of oil and several baths of soap, the end came.
Wash and wash again…
©Proyecto 4 Patas – Wash and wash again…
And then Aloe was finally as good as complete from that mess.
©Proyecto 4 Patas – And then Aloe was finally as good as complete from that mess.
She is currently doing well.
©Proyecto 4 Patas – She is currently doing well.

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