How to get smarter without doing anything

What could be better than being successful at anything without doing anything? Anyway, what could be better than doing nothing? You can be an overactive person who lives 25 hours a day, but the brain cannot be fooled – it is lazy. No matter how you argue, scientists have long proved it: he is lazy and constantly needs to be thrashed. But even if you are a very energetic person, you can sometimes get tired, lose motivation, and so on. So here are some ways to get smarter.

Learn a language through your phone

If you want to learn a foreign language, but there is no time, money, and strong desire, then you can choose to study on your own—little by little, from afar, in small steps. First, download some free programs on your phone, try to watch everything in the original with subtitles; you can even change the language of your phone to English (or whatever you want).

As a native speaker, you will not speak, and you are unlikely to speak because the language needs practice. But you will remember a lot of words for sure. And then, when you do make up your mind, it will be much easier for you.

Participate in discussions on forums

Only in discussions and not on women’s forums where thrush is discussed – there, you will not learn anything useful. You don’t need to arrange mixes in the comments either. Find a forum where they discuss what interests you.

There are many sites where commentators are active, smart, and even polite. Exploring other people’s perspectives can help you move beyond your knowledge, and formulating a well-written, well-thought-out answer is a great way to boost your knowledge of the subject.

Learn to play a musical instrument

Non-stop practice of an instrument not only improves your ability to discern chords and rhythms, but research has shown that it also aids in the learning of other subjects such as mathematics. It’s never too late to pick up a new skill. As a result of listening to music, certain parts of your brain become more active than usual.

However, when you learn to play an instrument, this exercise becomes more like a kind of whole-body conditioning. In addition, if you suddenly decide to go to the beach in the summer, you will find that there is no limit to the number of females with guitars to choose from. Well, from those that you will personally transport there (even if they love the guitar).

Improve your sense of humor

Sarcastic people are more intelligent. Unless, of course, you believe the research of people involved in organizational behavior. Sharing witty banter with a friend or colleague increases the creativity of both the speaker and listener.

The point is that sarcasm when used in a lighthearted way, enhances abstract thinking skills. But there is no need to go beyond, use mothers in-jokes and other dirt. It would help if you always remembered that a joke is when it’s funny.

Watch documentaries

Instead of monotonous reading, there is no better way to learn something new than to see a fascinating documentary on one of your favorite subjects. However, you may not always have two hours to lounge on the sofa and watch television.

It’s a good thing you live in the digital era since you can watch a documentary on your phone or tablet while riding, working out, or doing housework. Maybe this will make dull schoolwork a little simpler for you.

Pay attention more than you speak

In a lifetime, the typical individual meets three new people per day, for a total of almost 80,000 people! This is a sizable group. There are several possibilities to gain new skills. Everyone is an expert in something, and it may occasionally work to your advantage when an extremely knowledgeable someone teaches you something incredibly intriguing for free.

This is something that cannot be overlooked. You also don’t have to be the party’s king. In reality, the less you say, the more you listen, and the more you get as a consequence.

Listen to podcasts and audiobooks

Now the rhythm of life is such that you can wait for months for the right moment to read this or that book. But with the audio version of any text, things are much simpler. Podcasts are generally for every taste and color: history lessons, culinary recipes, comedy, political – whatever.

Sometimes you can even listen to a play in this way. So why give it up? You can listen to them anywhere: on the way to work, from work (and if the work is tedious and unpretentious – even during). Almost all of them are free and available at any time, so it would be very shortsighted not to take advantage of such a gift of fate.

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