In India, parents sell one of their daughters to pay for the treatment of the other

A 12-year-old Indian girl was sold to a man for 10,000 rupees or 135 dollars. According to The Times of India, her parents wanted to pay for the treatment of her older sister with respiratory disease.

A couple from the south-eastern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh sold their 12-year-old daughter to their 46-year-old neighbor whom he married on Wednesday February 24, writes The Times of India.

According to the daily, the parents first demanded the sum of 25,000 rupees (340 dollars), before going down to 10,000 rupees ($135).

As for the reason that pushed them to conclude this agreement, the media writes that the couple was looking for money to pay for the treatment of their eldest daughter, who suffers from a respiratory disease.

He was looking to marry his sister

Police say the man who bought the child has also made offers to the family in the past, seeking to marry their second daughter after his wife left him over marital discord.

After the deal was made and the girl was sold, the man married her and took her home. It was there that neighbors heard the child scream and cry. They decided to contact the authorities for child protection.

They took the young girl away from her new family and placed her in a children’s center. The man was questioned and a report is drawn up.

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