Iraqi airport hit by a drone strike

A drone attack took place on Saturday evening at the airport of the northern Iraqi city of Erbil, capital of the Kurdish Autonomous Region, near the US consulate. This has been announced by the counter-terrorist unit. There have been no casualties.

“There were no casualties in the attack carried out by two armed drones at Erbil International Airport,” the counter-terrorism agency of the Iraqi Autonomous Region of Kurdistan said in a statement.

The airport, which houses an air force base that camps troops of the international anti-jihadist coalition, has suffered “no damage”, according to airport director Ahmed Hochiar.

An AFP correspondent heard two loud explosions and saw black smoke rising into the air. A heavy security force blocked the entrance to the airport area.

Attacks on US troops

Such attacks, particularly on US troops in Iraq, have occurred repeatedly in recent months. They are never claimed but are systematically put in the shoes of pro-Iranian factions by the US.

In July, another drone bomb attack was carried out at Erbil International Airport, with no injuries or property damage. A few weeks earlier, three drones targeted Baghdad airport, where US soldiers are also stationed.

Iran and the United States are sworn enemies, and both have a presence or allies in Iraq, where Washington is stationing some 2,500 troops.

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